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~*ChApTeR 9*~

"Ashes to Ashes--Dust to Dust," Hearing those words made not only her baby girls life seem so final but also her own. I leaned on Nick's strong body, absorbing what warmth she felt he had to spare as they watched their one and only daughter was lowered into the icy ground--never to smile her first smile, have her first Christmas, learn to ride a bike, fall in love, get married. These thoughts made me sobs even more. Kymberly wrapped her arms around my waste from behind, letting me know that Nick and I were surrounded with people who truly cared about us. Nicole, Brian, Erica, AJ, and Becky stood on the other side of the casket. Brian wrapped an arm around Nicole and Erica as their bodies both racked with loud sobs of great grief. "She was so tiny, so so young and beautiful," Nicole sniffed as the final bump singled the casket had reached it final destination.

"Everything happens for a reason Nicky," Brian said as he glaced at Nicole, tears glisened in is own blue eyes.

"That's bull, there was no reason at all for this to happen," Erica shouted as they walked aways from what once was a promising life. "I didn't even get to meet her," she admitted, because she had arrived at the hospital 10 minutes after Jenna had passed away. She was greeted by the loud sound of the heart monitor and the screams of Jen and Nick. Erica would never erase that picture from her mind because it was forever etched there. Jenna Nicole Carter only lived a small part of what was thought to be a promising life, not enough time to grasp life's beauty--the world's beauty. "None of this makes any sense at all, I don't think anything will ever make sense again," Nick whispered into my ear beforing opening the door for me in his Ford Explorer. He walked around and climbed into the driver side, layed his head against the steering wheel and began to sob silently. I looked at him, he looked so lost like a child who's lost their mother or father--but it was the opposite for them this time...this was not the way life was supposed to work. There was something that had come out of this tragedy--it had brought Nick and I together again. WE shared the same pain and they needed eachother so much it hurt. There friends and family would always be close but Nick was her life. "We'll never forget her Nick, she's part of you and me, Nick I love you so much," I said as I leaned over to kiss away on of his may falling tears.

"I love you too, I want us to be together always and Forever," Nick replied as we watched the sun set together, ending yet another chapter of our lives together...

~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 8~