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~*The Road Trip*~

Sierra Chase and her sister Cheyenne Chase sat in Sierra's 1999 Mustang convertible. They were cruising down 20th street in West Lexington Kentucky. The original plans were to meet Sierra's boyfriend, Nathan Keel, at the mall, but Sierra had a change of plans. Then again, this didn't surprise Cheyenne. Sierra had two or three boyfriends at a time and broke dates with them often. But, through all her schemes, they kept coming back for more. Cheyenne, on the other hand, was totally different from her twin sister. They didn't even look alike. Sierra was a tall brunette with piercing brown eyes. She had an hourglass figure and knew it, too. Cheyenne was a short blonde with green eyes as big as the deep blue sea. She was very petite. And very skinny, too. But, there's a story behind that. Cheyenne Chase had always wanted to be like her older sister, Dakota Chase, a singer living in Orlando. She had always wanted to be a singer. People always told her she had a wonderful voice. And the only thing in the world she wanted was a record contract. But, Dakota reached that dream first. Cheyenne was still in high school. Her father, David Chase, had strict rules on his daughters and their dreams. His big rule was whatever you want to do, wait until after you've graduated. Dakota Chase lives in Orlando. She is a popular local singer. She is working on her first album and is signed with Virgin records. Dakota was three years older than her younger twin sisters, Cheyenne and Sierra. Cheyenne envied Dakota so much. Dakota was definitely the most blessed one in the family. She was a tall blonde with beautiful long legs and a perfect body. She had the greatest voice, the best looks, and the best body in the family. Cheyenne envied her so much more than anyone knew. For the most exceeding reason, because her father always paid more attention to Dakota. Cheyenne had no self-esteem for herself. She saw herself as an ugly little troll deserving to live under a bridge. She began to devise a plan. A plan to be pretty. She began to skip meals. Not so many at first, but she missed enough to make a difference. But, after that wasn't helping her lose enough at a time, she began to skip more and to over exercise. Over the course of a year, Cheyenne went from a healthy one hundred and twenty pounds girl to a sickly eighty- seven pounds girl. Pretty soon, she was going straight and so much that she collapsed as she was exercising. Her father had rushed her to the hospital. There, he found out she was anorexic. They sent her away to a clinic for almost six months. Cheyenne knew deep down that it was for the best, but it didn't stop her from resenting her father for sending her there. To this day, she wouldn't talk to him. Now, Cheyenne was a seventeen-year-old girl and still a lot underweight. She weighted one hundred pounds now. But enough of that, back to our story. "So, Chey, How is Brian?" Sierra asked, inquiring about Cheyenne's best friend, Brian Littrell.

"Um, well, he's out of town for a couple of days. He's in New Jersey visiting family. I miss him though." Throughout her whole ordeal with the anorexia, Brian had been the only one she could talk to. He was the only one that wrote her the whole time she was away. "Oh, well, this coming from the guy who says everyone in his family is a southern belle? Well, I'll have to remind him of that next time," Sierra said. She pulled onto a highway.

"Sierra, where are we going? I thought you said we were catching a movie."

"Oh, we are. Not here, though." Sierra had her mischievous smile on her face.

"Where Sierra?"

"Just chill out Cheyenne. You're safe."

"Where Sierra?"

"In Florida." Sierra looked over momentarily at Cheyenne with her mysterious smile.

"Are you NUTS? We can't go to Florida!" Cheyenne stated.

"Yes, and yes we can. What is stopping us Cheyenne?"

"Sierra, turn the car around, we have to go home. Dad will kill us!"

"Oh Cheyenne, I know you feel as if you have to please him for forever, but come on, loosen up. Have some fun, in the sun, with me, in FLORIDA!"

"Sierra, I do not feel like I have to please him! I don't like him. Just, if we're leaving, let's go." Cheyenne says as she turns up the B.I.G song louder.

"Now, that's the sister I like! We're on our way girl!" Sierra shouted over the radio. The two girls shared a quick smile and began singing along to the song.

Chapter 2