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~*Chapter 4*~

The next night: Cheyenne woke up from a horrible dream. In her dream, people were breaking into her house and were killing Brian and Sierra. She sat straight up and decided immediately to go check on them. She looked in on Sierra, who was sleeping like a baby. She walked downstairs to Brian's room and walked in quietly. She couldn't see very well. She walked right into the corner of his waterbed. "Ouch!" She nearly screamed it out and Brian shot up with a bolt.

"Who's there?" He asked as he switched on the light.

"It's me, Cheyenne. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"Its all right. What do you need?" Brian asked. Cheyenne noticed he was wearing nothing but a pair of silk boxers and a smile.

"Um, I had a bad dream."

"Oh, poor baby, do you wanna sleep in here tonight?" Brian said jokingly.

"Actually, yes. I do. Can I?" Cheyenne said, totally serious.

"Are you joking?" Brian said.

"No, Can I?"

"Yeah, sure you can, anytime you want to." Brian scooted over to the other side of the bed. He straightened out the blankets. When Cheyenne was settled in, he switched off the lights. Brian was surprised that immediately, Cheyenne wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, just like at the wedding. It was a shock. Brian pulled back. "I thought you said this couldn't happen again?"

"I say a lot of stupid things don't I?" Cheyenne said.

"Are you sure you're ready to take our relationship to the dating level?" Brian asked her.

"100% sure. I've wanted you for so long, now I have you." She reached in and kissed him. Once again, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth and work its magic. They made out like this for the longest time. Then they were both so tired they fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the morning:

Cheyenne woke up in Brian's arms. She looked up at his sleeping face. His light brown hair was going in every direction but he looked like a sleeping koala bear. Cheyenne reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips. One of his eyes popped open, but he pretended to be asleep still. Cheyenne, noticing he was still asleep, reached up to kiss him once more. When she did, Brian pounced up and on top of her with a thud. "Ugh!" Cheyenne let out the muffled whimper.

"Oops, sorry." Brian said with a smile as he reached down and kissed her passionately. They kissed and kissed and kissed some more. Before long, Brian's hands were traveling up Cheyenne's nightgown and playing with the elastic to her underwear. He managed to get them off and sling them to the ground without her even noticing. He moved up to her bra. The clasp was very hard to open. Cheyenne felt him playing with the clasp and moaned a muffled "no". Brian mistook this for the word "go". He quickly slid her nightgown over her head and nearly gasped. The sight of her frail body would have been enough, but all over her breasts and stomach, there were jagged scars. Brian stopped. "Cheyenne, what is this?" He asked her.

"What is what?" Cheyenne asked.

"These scars? And you're not eating again are you?" Cheyenne looked up at him.

"The scars are from a long time ago Brian. Don't worry about them." Cheyenne said.

"No, I want to know where they came from."

"Brian, there are some things I have never told you. I used to be a cutter, you know what that is right?" Brian nodded and she continued, "I used to be one and I've tried to commit suicide three times." Brian gasped. He slid his arms around her and held her tightly. "Now have you been eating lately?" Brian asked her.

"Yes! Brian, I have been eating. I always eat." Cheyenne lied.

"Cheyenne, don't lie to me. I can't help you if you lie to me." Brian said.

"Brian, I'm not lying to you." Cheyenne lied again.

"Fine then, let's go get some breakfast." Brian said as he noticed the fear in her eyes.

"No, I want to just lay here in your arms. We'll get food later, okay?"

"No, I'm hungry now. I'm going to go get some food. You're coming with me." Brian said as he threw her shirt and underwear back to her. She replaced them and with hesitation, walked out of the room into the kitchen with him.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3