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~*Chapter 5*~

"The truth"

"Breakfast is ready!" Brian called to Cheyenne from the kitchen. Cheyenne was sitting in the living room watching Saturday morning cartoons. I don't want to go in there, Cheyenne thought to herself. But I have to or Brian will never believe or trust me again. She walked into the kitchen, with a frown on her face as she saw all the food Brian had made. There was bacon, eggs, sausage, a couple of breakfast burritos, sausage gravy and biscuits. Cheyenne didn't know how she'd do it, but she would probably manage to eat it. Lately, she'd gone back to her normal self, starving herself each day. The last time she'd eaten was about seven months ago. She was 65lbs. Now and her desired weight was 55lbs. As she looked at the vast array of food on the table, and at Brian's proud smile, she couldn't help but tell him the truth. "Brian, we need to talk." Cheyenne said plainly. The smile on Brian's face disappeared slowly.

"What about?" Brian said.

"Me." Cheyenne said as she led him into the living room. "Look, Brian, A lot has changed in us. I mean, first off, a year and a half ago, if you would have asked me if you'd be living in my house and our parents were married, I would have looked at you like you were nuts. I have changed, too, Brian. I know you're going to hate me when I say this, but I haven't exactly changed for the better. You know what, nevermind all this, let's just go get you something to eat, okay?" Cheyenne said.

"No, wait, how have you changed?" Brian asked her.

"I don't want to have sex until I'm sure of the right person." Cheyenne lied.

"Oh, is that all? It's okay baby. I understand. Now lets go eat." They walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. Brian made Cheyenne's plate and she looked at the food placed before her with disgust. Sure, it looked like it was well prepared and tasty, but she didn't want to eat it. It was her worst enemy. "Let's say grace." Brian said as he grabbed her hands and said the blessing.

"Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for the day you've given us and thank you for the food you've prepared us. And for all the blessings you've given us, we thank you. Please bless our day and may our relationship be filled with total truth and honesty. Amen." Brian said as he looked up. Cheyenne was crying.

"What's wrong honey?" He asked her.

"Brian, I'm so completely sorry. I lied to you. I am so sorry" She was sobbing now. Brian took her in his arms.

"Shhh It's okay. What did you lie about baby?"

"I, I haven't been eating."

"For how long?" He asked her, his eyes were filled with loads of concern.

"Um, 7 months." Cheyenne looked up to see a tear in Brian's eyes.

"Why? Why do you do this? You're so skinny. You aren't healthy and if you keep this up, you'll die. You just don't understand, do you?" He stood up, his tears now freely falling. He walked into his room and locked the door. Cheyenne walked into her father's study. She reached into his top drawer and pulled out the emergency cash he'd left for them just in case they needed it. She pulled out the phone book and found the circled number for her old clinic. She called it. "Hello? This is Freemond Eating Disorder Clinic, how may I help you?" A woman answered.

"I need to speak to Doctor Anderson."

"Hold please." The woman said. A minute or two later, the doctor picked up.

"Hello? Dr. Anderson speaking."

"Dr. Anderson, this is Cheyenne Chase."

"Oh, hello Cheyenne, how are you?" The nice lady asked her.

"I'm not so good, doctor. I need to come back. And now."

"When is the last time you ate, Cheyenne?"

"Seven months ago."

"Oh, God. How much do you weigh?"

"Um, last I checked was 65lbs. I'm so very sorry, this time, I plan on stopping it." Cheyenne said.

"When are you coming?" Dr. Anderson said.

"Today. As soon as I write my family a letter letting them know, then I'm gone."

"Cheyenne, what made you decide to do this?"

"Well, I told my boyfriend, Brian, I still had the problem about twenty minutes ago. Then he stood up and started crying and said pretty much that I was hurting him. I can't do this, and I'm bound to change."

"Okay honey, come on in." Dr. Anderson said.

"Bye, doctor Anderson. Thanks, I'll see you in about an hour." They hung up and Cheyenne pulled out a piece of stationery from her dad's drawer. She wrote:

Dear family:

I'm so sorry for this. But, I have to leave. If you'd like to know where I'm going, I'll be at the Clinic. I had to let you guys know before I left.

To Brian:

I am so sorry, you're my best friend (and b.f.) and I am so sorry for hurting you. I did this for you and I. I will come back and you'll see that I finally changed.

To Daddy:

Dad, I'm so sorry for this. This time I admit, I have a problem. I'm going to go get it fixed. When I come back, I'll be changed. I promise. Please don't be mad.

To Sierra: Hey, Here's another I'm sorry. Please forgive me. And keep Brian on the right track and don't let him forget about me. That's a long story. Anyhow, keep mom and dad in line. And don't wreck the car. I love you sister. I love all of you, and I'll come home as soon as I'm totally well. Please, no one write me. I think I need to forget the past to work on the future. I love you guys. Bye.



She took the letter and hung it to the refrigerator. And with that, Cheyenne said goodbye to the house. How long she'd be gone, Cheyenne didn't know. She got in her green Dodge Ram and prepared to leave. She cranked the truck up and drove off.

Back at home:

Brian walked out of his room, in search of Cheyenne. As he did, Sierra walked down the stairs sleepily. Brian looked at her and wondered why she'd slept so late. "Hey Brian. Good morning." Sierra said.

"Hey. Have you seen Cheyenne?"

"Nope. Sorry, just got up."

"Oh, well, she's not anywhere down here, she must be up there somewhere." Brian said.

"Brian, have you been crying?" Sierra asked him.

"Um, no." Brian lied.

"Oh, okay." She reached to open the door to the refrigerator to get some O.J. and saw the letter. She read it and gasped.

"Brian! Come here quickly!" Brian came in and she handed him the letter. He read it and began to quietly cry.

CHapter 6
Chapter 4