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~*Chapter 6*~


A year later:

"Brian! Sierra! Come see!" David Chase yelled upstairs to Brian and Sierra who were in the den watching television. Brian and Sierra ran downstairs. They went to the front door and there stood Cheyenne. Sierra nearly jumped on her. "Oh, sis, you're home!" Sierra exclaimed. The two shared a sisterly hug. Then, seeing Brian's face, Sierra let go. Brian took this an opportunity to get his hug. He reached around Cheyenne and hugged her so tightly that she could barely breathe. "I missed you so much!" He exclaimed.

"I missed you more" Cheyenne said. They released from their long hug. Cheyenne stood in front of her parents and the others and modeled. She spun around and showed off her new figure. "How much do you weigh now honey?" David asked her.

"One hundred and fifteen pounds. I feel great!" Cheyenne exclaimed.

"That's wonderful honey. I'm so happy that you're back. Do you want to go get some ice cream with us?" David asked.

"No thanks, I just want to enjoy being home for today. I'm really tired. Plus, it's really late, I need sleep." Cheyenne said. In reality, she just wanted to go see Brian in his room as soon as the others went to their rooms.

"Okay honey. Well, if you're not going, Jackie and I will. Sierra, do you want to come?" David asked.

"Sure dad. See ya later Cheyenne." Sierra said as they walked out of the door. As soon as the car pulled out, Cheyenne turned around and literally jumped on Brian. She wrapped her legs around his stomach and kissed him passionately. When the kiss ended, and Brian regained his composure, they sat down and talked. "So what was it like where you went?" Brian asked.

"It was great. And I learned to love myself. And that I didn't have to impress anyone." Cheyenne said with a smile.

" That's wonderful honey. I'm so glad you're home. And just in time for Christmas. I have missed you so incredibly much." Brian said.

"I missed you, too. Everyday, when I just wanted to leave, I'd think of the day you told me it hurt you and the look on your face. That was all it took to keep me there. You didn't find another girlfriend while I was away did you?" Cheyenne said.

"No way. I didn't date anyone. You could ask Sierra."

"I believe you. I love you, Brian."

"I love you, too." Brian said. "I have news. Remember how I told you I wanted to be a singer? Well, Cousin Kevin called me to join a band and I'm going back. I made it already and we've been signed. We start touring in Europe soon."

"Oh my gosh. This is so great for you!" Cheyenne said.

"I know. I can't wait. I leave the day after graduation. Are you graduating or not?"

"Of course, I took all my classes at the center. I get to graduate with my class."

The next week, they graduated and Brian left for Florida. Brian and Cheyenne tried a long distance relationship for five years into the Backstreet Boy's career. In August of 1998, He and Cheyenne decided they should be just friends. A year later, Cheyenne married Brian's best friend and fellow band mate, Nick Carter. They dated for nine months. Then on October 29th, 1999, they were married. Brian was Nick's best man and also gave Cheyenne away because her dad was very ill. Three weeks after the wedding, David Chase died of pneumonia. A year after their marriage, Cheyenne told Nick he'd be a daddy. As for Brian, he went on with his life. He hooked up with an old girlfriend from high school and they dated for a year. Brian and Janine were married on January 18th, 2001. Ryleigh Anne and Taylor Jean Carter were born on June 15th, 2001. They were twin baby girls with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

Chapter 5