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~*ChAPtEr 2*~

"Jen?, Jen?," a voice came from behind me. "Are you alright?," Are you alright girl?," the voice continued in a concerned voice. I must have looked dazed because I was grabbed and shaken by my shoulders. I whipped around to face my best friend Nicole. "Jen!," She yelled right into my face.

"Thanks Nic, yell right into my ear!," I said smiling. "Anyways, what's up?," I asked still a little preoccupied.

"No, don't even go there," Nicole said looking me in the eyes. Damn, she knew me way to well. From the time we were young we have been inseparatable. I met Nicole in kindergarten, we were both five and I was very small for my age, and was constintly picked on. One day this little boy came up to me and pulled on my pigtails. Out of nowhere this girl came out of nowhere and punched him in the stomach, and I've luved her ever since. We've gone through everything together, from first dates, to first loves. Don't even get me started though since my recent one...arg...nevermind. This is why Nicole had know problems when I asked her if she would come work with me. "Nic, you won't believe who's here for a photoshoot!," I said still a little out of it.

"The Backstreet Boys, I know," She said looing unimpressed. She had never seen the point of all the hupla the Backstreet Boys created. I try to explain it to her but she doesn't seem to get it. I mean Hello? What's not to like? "How can you be so calm?," " I'm so...I was saying as I was rudely interrupted.

"Jen, Nicole I need to introduce you," Andre beckond.

"Oh my god," I stuttered.

"Oh calm down, there just people!," Nicole reasoned.

"Yeah just run of the mill, regular guys," I said sarcastically She had to practically drag me over to to where Andre was waiting impatiently. Nick walked into the room looking freshly washed and damn fine if I do say so myself. I could feel him look me over and a pleased look came over his face. I started to blush but I'm pretty good under pressure. "Hello, I'm Jen...Marne," I lied, as I stuck out my hand to shake his. Nicole gave me a funny look, then a look of realization crossed over her face. She knows I didn't want Nick to know I was the bosses daughter. I'd rather he knew me for me and not because of my dad pays him. "Hey, I'm Nick," he said smoothly.

"Well duh," I thought. Nicole started to get bored as Nick and I chatted a bit more. We were really getting into it and I was living out a dream. A few minutes later Brian interrupted us. "Nick, who's this?," He asked as he looked pass me and looked into Nicole's green eyes. Nicole is really pretty too. She's from Wisconsin, and has short brown hair with a really unique sense of style. She's always pushing the limits. "This is Jen, and ummmm I'm sorry I didn't catch your name?," Nick said apolojecticallyy.

"You didn't ask, it's Nicole," She shot a look of annoyance at Nick, and a sweet smile at Brian. She may not be into the Backstreet Boys but I could tell she was into Brian. And she enjoyed the attention he was giving her. "Boys!, I need you now!," Andre yelled over his speakerphone even though we were all within range.

"Time for posing and fake smiles," Kevin joked as he walked over to us. Nicole and I shook A.J, Kevin, and Howie's hand and they turned to wardrobe. Before he left, A.J looked both Nicole and I up and down and nodded approvingly. I turned away blushing once again. "I guess I will see you later Nick," I tried to sound non-chalantly, but inside I was hopeful.

"You can count on it Jen," He said as he walked away. The look on his face told me I could.

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