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~*ChApTeR 3*~

After about an hour of Andre telling, or more accurately yelling at the guys to "move, yes that's right, step this way, smile, Nick turn this way." The guys looked tired and about ready to go home. I couldn't blame them, I was tired of standing around. It was only getting close to lunch though so that bummed me out. "Alright boys, that's a wrap," Andre yelled at last, looking overly pleased with himself.

"Thank goodness," I sighed, walking to where Nicole was staring at Brian.

"He's just a perfectly normal person," I quoted from Nicole's earlier comment.

"Yeah, a damn fine normal person!" She replied as she finally pried her eyes away from Brian's face.

"So…where do you wanna go for lunch?" She asked try to focus her attention. I had been thinking about grabbing Rebecka and going to Mickey D's. I told Nicole my plans and we went down to processing and got Rebecka. My dad only gives his workers and hour lunch break, which I think is cruel. I have told him this on many occasions and I'll I get is a lecture. That is something I can't stand because I am just a temp.

"I'm so incredibly jealous!" Rebecka said after we told her what had happened that day. I knew she wasn't though because she just wasn't a jealous person. "You should have been there," I laughed.

We were the only ones sitting in McDonalds at the time. I thought this was kind of weird because this was a really popular lunchtime spot.

"Is this seat taken?" A male voice said from beyond my chair. I was about to turn around and give this guy a piece of my mind when I saw who it was.

"Nick!" I said sounding shocked.

"In the flesh," he joked. Just as he said that AJ and Brian came over and joined us, their trays plied with way more food then three grown men needed. Howie and Kevin had gone back to their apartments because the photo shoot had worn them out.

"Oh well," I thought not really caring a whole lot.

"Are you guys stocking us or something," Nicole said playfully, looking at Brian the whole time.

"You wish," He said taking a seat between Nicole and I.

"How'd you know?" She joked back.

"I read you mind," He finished.

I rolled my eyes because they were being so obvious! I turned to see Nick practically knocking over poor AJ to sit beside me. I was quite flattered and I could also see that AJ wanted anything know what I'm saying. AJ wasn't let down, for the first time he noticed Rebecka and smiled. I introduced her to the rest of the guys and she was secretly beaming. If you're wondering Rebecka is another one of my best friend. We don't have the same physic thing Nic and I have but we're pretty tight. She's quite a small girl for her age but she has a really big mouth. She has short blond hair and obviously liked the way AJ was checking her out!

"So how long have you guys been working at Jive?" AJ asked as took a bite of his cheeseburger.

"We're working for the summer and then after that…I don't know," I explained.

"Do you always work with the photographers Jen?" Nick asked.

"No, we're all temp workers, so we do different jobs." We continued to talk for about an hour, and if I had known what was about to happen I would have stuffed another burger down my throat. Finally we got up and walked out the back door.

"There they are!" We heard about one hundred girls scream at once.

"Holy shit! Where did they all come from?" Rebecka exclaimed.

"Damn, I thought we were in the clear," AJ said look pissed off.

"We're gonna have to run," Brian yelled over the confusion as he grabbed Nicole's hand. AJ was already running towards the limo with Rebecka in tow, while Nick and I were way behind because of the traffic.

As we ran across the street we didn't see the red corvette coming around the corner. "Watch out!" I heard someone yell before feeling a sharp pain as I was lifted from my feet, and then nothing.

"Jen? Jen?" A voice said from somewhere in the fog. I slowly opened my eyes to see a blond angel looking down on me. Ok it could have been an angel but soon Nick came into focus.

"What?..." I tried to get out but my throat was very dry.

"You were in an accident," Nick said with a very worried look on his handsome face. I knew he felt bad but I also knew it wasn't his fault. I mean it's not his fault his fans can be little physicos---present company excluded of course. I looked around the hospital room and saw that my leg was in a cast and I could feel a bandage around my headachy head. That appeared to be my only injuries. "You broke your leg and bumped your head after the car ran into you," Nick said slowly confirming what I thought.

"I feel fine, noooo need to worry," I said truthfully but in a kind of slurred voice, so Nick laughed.

"That's because you're on about a zillion pain killers right now hun!" He said as he continued to laugh.

"Thanks, so you're saying just wait till they ware off right?" I said smiling. We talked for about another hour before the nurse came in to kick him out. After he left I started to think. This happens when you can't move or reach the controller. I thought that this was a guy I wanted to get to know.


"I'm not disabled you fruit, put me down!" I screamed in to Nicks ear.

"Calm yourself women," he said because he knows him calling me woman pisses me off!

"Just wait until I get this cast off, you better start running now little man," I said in a mock threat.

"Oh, I'm so scared, you couldn't take me is I was blind folded and had my legs and arms tied, and I just stood there..." he went on and on as he carried me up my front stairs outside my house. This wasn't easy because I had a lot of stairs. Nick and I had been hanging out almost everyday since his tour had ended four weeks ago and I had gotten out of the hospital. The Backstreet Boys tour was over for a couple of months while they worked on they're Christmas album. I didn't mind and either did Nic or Rebecka. Nick and I had become great friends and sometimes I wanted more but...I didn't know how he felt, and I wasn't about to ruin our new friendship by asking. He was always teasing me. He was pretty immature for a 19-yea- old. MEN!

Finally Nick made it up the stairs, and I wiped the sweat off his cute little nose. "See, next time you'll listen to me and let me hobble up the stairs!" I said looking at Nick as he collapsed on my couch.

"Make yourself comfortable," I said sarcastically already knowing he would.

"Jen, come and sit please," he said as he laid down on the pillow but careful to make room for me.

"Yes sir," I replied shaking my head, and giving him a salute! I sat down in my regular spot and put my cast on the coffee table. Nick sat up just as I was reaching for the remote. "OW!!!" we yelled in unison as we bumped heads. There was something between us, we couldn't deny it anymore. After seemed like forever Nick leaned in and kissed me. I sighed because my dream was finally coming true.

~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 4~