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~*ChApTeR 4*~

"He finally kissed you!," Nicole yelled so loudly that my nosey sister Kymberly came running into the room. "Whats this I hear sister dear?, have you been lip-locking with someone and you didn't tell me?," Kymberly asked in her regular annoying voice. Kymberly is my younger sister by eleven months. Yeah my parents got it right the first time only! Some people can't believe that we're related. Either can I sometimes. "Get out kiddo!," I said in my I'm-older-than-you-so-you-better-listen-to-me voice.

"No way, I'll be good so spill it!," she asked, she was cool sometime.

"Well we were sitting watching tv, when we both reached for the remote at the same thing led to another and...," I said trailing off.

"How sweet!, your finally catching up with Brian and I," She said smiling. It was known by practically everyone in town that to local girls were dating two of the Backstreet boys. Nicole had even received some threats, but she's cool with it and just has to adjust to physico fans! Nicole sighed and was off in her little dream world. Her and Rebecka had been off in the clouds ever since they hooked up with the'r boys Brian and AJ. I thought it was cut. Nick and I were doing the friends thing right now, but I didn't know for how much longer. I smiled at the thought. "Nick and I aren't like you guys," I said with a worried look.

"What do you mean sis?," Kymberly said looking concerned.

"We're friends, best friends, what if we broke up?," I said with tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Oh hun, don't cry!," Nicole said as she leaned over and gave me a big hug.

"I have to go meet Brian," She said apologetically, as she glanced at her watch. "I can stay if you need me," she asked looking as though she would stay in a second.

"You go ahead, I'm thinking of getting some sleep anyways," I said yawning. After she walked out the door, I went back into my room to find Kymberly going through my closet. "Nothing ever changed eh Kym?," I asked scowling a bit.

"Whatever are you talking about sister dear?," she said in a preoccupied voice.

"Kym are you listening to me?, I said getting a little annoyed.

"Can I take this Jen, I have a date tonight," she said holding up my favourite blue dress.

"Sure whatever,Kym? Who's your date with tonight anyways?, I said in my best big sister voice I could muster.

"It's with Kevin Richardson, Nick introduced us," she said in a excited voice. Mental note: kill Nick!.

"Holy shit girl! you're only 18 and he's 27, whats with that?," I was yelling now.

"Calm yourself Jen," she said in a pissed off voice.

"I'm just saying a may use this for future blackmail." I said in a huff, as I directed her towards the door. I turned on my tv to the Simpsons and headed to my bed. I started thinking. I really cared about Nick, but I don't know if I can take getting hurt again. "ARG!" I sighed. "This is too much!," I sais to myself as I drifted off to sleep. I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. "Hellllllo?, I answered in a tired voice. I looked over at the clock and it read 3:00am. Only sickos call at 3am. Oh well. "Jen, did I wake you, wait stupid question because it's 3'Oclock in the morning. Nick rambled on.

"What is it Nick?," I asked starting to fall asleep again.

"I need to see you, I can't stop thinking about yesterday," he said quietly.

"Me either," I agreed.

"I need to see you," he said.

"Can you meet me at my beach?," I asked always feeling kind of weird when I said MY beach. It was behind our house and my grandfather had bought it years ago. "OK, I throw pebbles at your window to tell you I'm here," he said and I agreed. After I hung up with Nick, I started to fall asleep again. I figured it would take him about 20 minutes to get here. I went in to check on Kymberly, and I gasped when I saw her coming up the stairs. "Are you just getting in young lady?," I mocked my parents serious tone.

"Shut up Jen!," she said in a joking voice. I continued down the hall making a mental note to talk to Kevin about him dating my little sister. I grabbed my sweater out of the closet and went back to my room. I fixed my hair and put on some make-up. I didn't know why I was dressing up. I mean Nick was a good friend and all but that was it wasn't it? I heard about 20 pebbles hit my window. I laughed out loud. He really wanted me to here him I guess. "Well," I thought as I started to open my window. "Time to meet my friend," I said, but as I looked down into Nicks face in the moon light. "Friend, who am I kidding?" I sighed.

~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 3~