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~*ChApTeR 5*~

I was going to climb out the windown when I remembered that my parents weren't home. Kymberly wouldn't say anything because I still had that whole Kevin thing hanging over her head. I swear was goign to milk that for a long time. So I looked out the window and motioned for Nick to go out to the beach and wait for me. I still didn't know what I was going to say, I didn't have any idea. I checked in on Kymberly and saw that she was fast asleep. I didn't like the idea if my sister going out with Kevin if you couldn't tell, and she better be tired from lack of sleep and not from...I'm not even going to think about it. Oh well I have my own problems to worry about.

As I walked down the stairs, and then out to the beach my mind was going a mile a minute. Then I saw him and my heart melted. He was sitting in the soft sand throwing rocks into the ocean. "Hey you," I said as I walked up behind him. "Hey yourself," he replied as his eyes lit up. "So..., are we gonna talk aobut yesterday?," I asked getting right to the point. Yeah, I can be pushy but it gets the job done. Nick looked really nervous, like his whole life depended on what he waws abou to say. This made me feel really unconfortable but also I wanted to know. "Yeah, I guess we should, I've been thinking about you a lot lately, and I'd like it if we gave...well us a chance," he said getting it all out in one breathe. His eyes were darting back and forth like he wasn't really focasing. "Nick, I don't know...we're such good friends, I really don't want to lose that," I said not looking Nick straight in the eyes.

"Oh, I see what your saying, maybe I should get going," he said with a forlorn look as he got up to leave.

"Nick!, Nick!," I said trying to stop him.

"No, I'm going to go, we'll be friends like you want!," he was yelling now. I could tell I had really hurt him and I felt like part of me died inside has him pain filled eyes met mine. What he didn't realize was that I didn't want to be friends. I wanted him. "I love you Nick," I said to him but he was already to far away to hear.

"What do you mean Erica's picking you up!," Rebecka yelled in to the phone on this oh so sunny morning.

"Well Kym took my car to see Kevin," I said getting annoyed. I was already mad that my coniving lttle sister took MY car on the only day dad said all the temps could show up at noon. Apparently all the big shoots were working up the plans for the BAckstreet Boys Christmas album. I didn't care either way. "Why do you care anyways?, I thought you liked Erica?," I added.

"I did until the bitch started hitting on AJ and Brian last night, you better keep an eye on Nick if you know whats good for you," she said, still angry about me going into work with my friend Erica. At the mention of Nick I sighed. "I doubt that matters anymore since he's not talking to me," I said, vowing that I wouldn't start crying again. I had done enough of that the last couple of days. I hadn't heard from him since that night but Nicole had heard from Brian that he had gone away to think for a couple of days, which made me really nervous. "Oh don't worry girl, he really cares about you, he'll come around although I know know why you didn't snag him when you had the chance," She said sounding as though she knew what what she was talking about.

"But what if we broke up? you know what happen last time," I said hearing Ericas car outside. I knew I had to go because I knew that Erica wasn't a very patient person, and she has a tentancy to get relly pissed off if she's kept waiting. I've known Erica since I 12 and she can be really nice, but also reallly stuck up. She really tall and pretty so guys seem to pay attention to only her when she's around. That's what bugs other girls but I didn't really care at the moment I just wanted off the phone with Rebecka who was going on and on about her oh so happy relationship with AJ. ARGGGGGG,,, So I told her I had to go, ran down the stair grabbed my puse and jumpe din the car ready to face another day! NOT!

~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 4~