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~*ChApTeR 8*~

I slowly backed away from the kitchen door and just stood there. This was way too much to absorb in one day, and strangely it all revolved around that damn Erica. AJ came up behind me and placed his hand on my shoulder which made me jump about half a mile straight into the air. "What's wrong Jen?, you look like you've seen a ghost," He said with a look of concern. Everyone had been looking at me with a look of concern since I popped Erica. "Yeah I'd have to say somethings wrong, one of my best friends is cheating on another with a girl who was going out with the guy I was in love with, sounds like a JErry Springer show," I thought before answering AJ question. "In ... the," I choked out. AJ opened the door slightly and his eyes seemed to pop out of his head. "What the...," He said before he bursted into t he kitchen causing Brian and Erica to burst apart. Brian just stood there and he couldn't seem to meet my eyes because I was giving him one of those looks that could kill. I was really good at those when I tried. The weird thing was Erica looked more guilty then the smug look I was expecting from her. "What the hell are you doing Frick,?" AJ yelled at the top lungs, it was so loudly that everyone from the living room came storming in to see what all the fuss was about.

I, I," Brian stumbled when he saw Nicole walk in the room behind Nick.

Why don't you just tell them Brian, tell them what kind of guy you really are," Nicole spat out while she glared with disgust at both of them.

"We never wanted to hurt you Nic, it just sort of happened, that was why I went out with Nick, I thought I could get over him," Erica blurted out making gestures towards Nick.

"Thanks, I feel so used," Nick replied really looking as though he could care less.

"Yeah right Nick, I really tried," Erica continued, not looking anyone of her friends in the eyes.

YEah that's a great excuse Erica, I think I'll use that that next time I steal one of your boyfriends...wait I'm not like that, and I would never do that," Nicole answered, starting to look really mad, it also dawned on me that she seemed to already know of Brian's cheating. I was still in complete shock but I still managed to round everyone up and throw them outside. Nicole looked as though she was almost ready to start throwing stuff and we had many expensive crystal vases and I knew my mother really wanted to keep them in one piece. Nicole had tears running down her face yet know one wanted to approach her because she was in such a fragile state. I walked over to Nick and wrapped my arms around him. I was thankful he was there. Brian finally took a step towards Nicole and they started to talk, we all just stood there and stared. There voices rose and fell as they fought it out. Finally it looked as though Nicole just gave up, she leaned over and hugged Brian not looking as though she wanted to let go. Brian and AJ got in the car after Nick waved away a ride, AJ gave Rebecka a apologetic wave before they drove off down the street. Nicole turned and looked at Erica before waling over and talking to her, about ten minutes later they realized everyone was watching and decided to go for a drive. "Wow I hope she doesn't kill her," I said trying to cut through the tension that had taking over my supposed to be sleepover.

"Yeah, she should just really hurt her," Rebecka joked back.

"You two are horrible," Nick said trying to look tough and keep a straight face.

Yeah you know you love us!," I said. Nick made a snorting sound in response so Rebecka and I just look at each other before tackling him to the ground. Kymberly walked out the front door to find us pinning Nick to the ground and tickling the poor guy. She looked really pissed of and I assumed it was still at me but she started to laugh when she saw the situation that Nick was in. "Well since my sleepover was totally ruined to you two wanna stay, we do your hair in curlers and test out some make-up on ya, what do you think Kymberly, ya think he's a winter?" I said, as I looked at eh scared look on Nicks face. I turned to Kymberly and she seemed to remember why she was mad at me. So she turned and stocked into the house, and when I went to open the door I discovered the little bitch had locked me out!

~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 7~