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~*Chapter 2*~

I pulled the knee length skirt down more over my legs, tucked the cardigan over my shoulders and struted over to Pastor Tim and the mysterious man. "Oh Sara I'd like you to meet someone. This is Brian Littrell he has a very successful band," he said.

"Nice to meet you I said," shaking his hand politely. He looked me up and down giving me a strange look. I stood strait, not thinking about it.

"Yes as Pastor Tim said I do have a very successful band," he said. I smiled and noded.

"Umm the Backstreet Boys have you ever heard of them?" he asked.

"Yeah I think I've heard of them before," I aded sarcastically.

"Well good. I have just moved into town. I bought a small house on brooker street. Do you know where that is?" He asked.

"Definately, I actually live a block and a half from there. You must have bought old Willer's place," I said a little astonished.

"Now Sara you know where not supposed to to talk about the Willler's like that," Pastor Tim said. I rolled my eyes and said my departing.

"Look I'm very sorry but I must go. Kaleb's waiting for me," I said to Pastor Tim and to Brian I said, "Nice meeting you Mr. Littrell."

"Brian please. We're practically the same age. I would though like to talk to you about your voice," he said.

"My voice?" I asked curiously.

"Yes," he said. I smiled and waved goodbye.

"Hey baby who was that?" Kaleb asked curiously.

"Oh a Backstreet Boy," I said smiling into his dark brown eyes.

"Uhh hate those guys," he said wrapping me into his arms and kissing me. We quickly drove in Kaleb's car to my house for the barbeque we where holding for the church. I knew he'd be there, but I didn't care. Once there Marybethe pulled me to the side. "Oh my gosh he is so cute," she said with a screech.

"No I can't think that!" I said playfully punching her.

"You know he was totally flirting with you. Like all that stuff about your voice. Excuses," she said.

"Whatever," I added waling away.

Chapter 3
Chapter 1