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~*Chapter 3*~

"Honey where were you last night?" Kaleb asked once again.

"Ummm Brian and I went out to celebrate!" I said.

"What were we celebrating?" he asked curiously.

"I got a record deal!" I screamed realizing it now.

"Really? Wow! I'm so proud of you. So when do you think your gonna get home?" he asked.

"I have no idea sweetie. I'll call you later to find out. But will you call everyone and tell them, I know my parents would want to know," I said telling him I had to go. We hug up and I amde my way to the shower. I washed myself feeling the bags under my eyes getting bigger. I sliped on my robe and made my way back out to the room. Brian was sitting on my bed watching t.v. "Excuse me, do you know what the word phone or wait maybe knock means?" I asked.

"Yeah actually I do. Do you know what the word answer means?" He asked smiling up at me. I almost cracked a smile but knew I shouldn't. It was Kaleb I loved, not brian. How could I love him? I erased the thoughts from my mind. "So when do we leave," I asked.

"Tomorrow, today you need to go to a photo shoot," He said with a crooked smile.

"You mean a photo shoot, like I get to wear cute clothes and everything?" I asked happy.

"Of course," he said.

"Well Mr. Littrell will you please leave so I can get ready?" I asked.

"Oh yeah of course, go ahead, hun," he said walking out the door. I threw on a t-shirt and a apir of jeans. I didn't put on any make-up(Hate the stuff!) and headed over to Brian's room. We got into the limo which was to take us to some huge warehouse where they often do photo shoots. "Brian so glad to see you. And who is this?" A tall thin man asked.

"This is Sara the newest star! Sara, this is Leo he is the best photographer in the busz. I'm gonna go sit over there," Brian said. I was left with Leo.

"Ok sugar were gonna send you off to hair and make-up then to wardrobe," he said taking me to a room. A little named Cia sat me in a chair and began tastling with my hair then dabbing make-up on me.

"Oh sweetie you really don't need a lot of make-up. You have a great complection! Do you wear make-up a lot?" She asked. She was a nice women with a firey personality. She had gorgeous brownhair and piercing blue eyes.

"Actually I never wear make-up. Can't stand the stuff," I said sticking out my tongue.

"I understand. I have to love it, it's my life!" she laughed and I giggled behind her. I was then sent to to a another women in Waredrobe. She suited me with the cutest khaki skirt and a Tommy Girl skirt. Soon I was standing behind several backgrounds posing and laughing at the dumb jokes Leo was making. I posed in every position possible. I glanced over everyonce in a while to see Brian laughing too. the shoot went on int'll about eight that night. By this time I was exhausted. I went back to my room and crashed.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow Sara," Brian said dropping me off at my house. I walked through the door to a huge

"Suprise!" I was so shocked. Everyone was standing in my family's living room. Kaleb ran up to me. I hugged him tightly. It's funnny, before Brian came into my life I'd get these little butterflys in my stomach when I saw Kaleb. But this tiome there was no fireworks or butterflys. Just nothing. I shook it off and kissed him. Everyone congradulated me on the deal and I said thank you. After everyone had left I wentto my room. I dialed Brian's number. "Hello?" He asked. "brian?,"...

Chapter 6
Chapter 4