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~*Chapter 3*~

"Brian?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sara is that you?" He asked.

"Yeah it's me. What are you doing?' I asked.

"Why?" he asked.

"What? Can't a friend ask a friend what their up too," I said. "So I'm a friend now?' He asked.

"I don't know I guess you've proved yourself worthy," I laughed.

"Okay so what are you doing?" I asked again.

"Umm eating a t.v. dinner going over some trakes for your album and watching infomericals," he said.

"Brian! I thought you where one of those guys who goes out clubbing like every night and has tons of girls over each night. At least has a girlfriend over or something," I said. Okay so maybe I was trying to find out if he was taken or not. There's no crime in being curious. "Nope I'm just some regular type of guy. Actually I'm pretty boring, no clubs, no girls, even more pathetic no girlfriend," he said.

"Oh sorry. Hey would you like to get some ice-cream maybe go over a couple of songs?" I asked.

"Oh Sara I'd love that but I've really got to get some sleep. You too, tomorrow we have to start recording," he said. I agreed and hung up the phone. My head flopped back down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling then at the clock. It was twnety five past midnight. I wasn't tired. I needed to get out. I picked up the phone and dialed Kaleb. "Hey sweetie," I said.

"Hi. What's wrong?" he asked in a groggy voice.

"Oh nothing's wrong. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go out?" I asked.

"Honey I don't know it's kinda late." He said.

"But I haven't spent anytime with you. I want to see you," I said in a winny voice.

"Okay you wanna pick up some ice-cream and come over?" he asked.

"Yeah I'll be there in 20 minutes," I said. I left my mom and dad a note then headed to the store. I grabbed ice-cream and some soda and headed to Kaleb's apartment. He was lucky he didn'tlive with his parents. Of course I love mine it's just they sometimes where so nagging. I used my key to open the door, I then headed to the kitchen for two spoons and took the ice-cream back to Kaleb's room. He was still sleeping when I walked in. I slowly put the bag on the nightstand then crawled under the sheets. I wrapped my arms around him. His short brown hair was all messed up. His clear blue eyes where shut. His hair was ususally sspiked or slike back or something. But right now he looked so comfy and happy. "Kaleb," I whispered in his ear.

"MMM you have no idea how sweet that sound is," He said turning over. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me. I flicked on the light beside his bed.

"You got chocolate chip cookie-dough," he said.

"Oh yeah," I said. I put two spoons into the carton and both of us began to eat. Kaleb took his sppon a and fend me a bit of his ice-cream. I then took the carton and put it onto the nightstand.

"Hey don't take my ice-cream," He said.

"You think all I came over here to do was to watch you stuff your face," I asked.

"Okay fine. Can I kiss you?" He asked. he did that every onece in a while. he knew it drove me crazy. The way his southern accent would just make me go crazy.

"You always have top do that," I said and kissed him softly.

"Honey I'm glade you came over here. I wanted to talk to you about the farm and everything. I've decided not to buy it. I've decided to open a new hardware store in town," he said.

"Okay but why hardware. Kaleb your so talented you can do so much more," I said.

"Honey after Mr. Morrison died there hasn't been a true hardware store in twon. it's needed," he said.

"Whatever you think is right," I said and kissed his forehead. I layed my head down on a pillow. Kaleb rested on one elbow looking at me. His fine sculpted chest was revealed and he looked so good! I placed my hands on his shoulders.

"I've missed you," he said kissing all over my face.

"Me too," I said. ]

"But kaleb I've gotta get home," I said breaking away.

"No Sara stay the night. Please stay the night," he begged. I kissed him passionately. "Okay," i said.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5