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~*Chapter 7*~

The kiss went on. It just wouldn't stop. I knew it was wrong so I stopped. "Brian this just isn't right I mean kaleb and I are supposed to be marries and..." but before I could speak he captured my lips again and we were caught in a heated kiss. This time Brian stopped. "Sarah I know this is wrong but it feels so right. I mean I've liked you ever since I met you... there's just this fire about you I can't resist," he said. I kissed his cheek and then his lips. I stopped and grabbed my bag.

"I can't do this," I said and ran out. Brian caught up with me.

"Sarah stay with me...just one night. I know it sounds completely crazy it is crazy but I need to know if there's something between us. If we don't work out I'll get you a new agent and everything," he said. I had my back to him and I thought about what I could do.

"Sarah?" He asked. I turned around and did the only thing I knew to do. I kissed him..I kissed him like it was the first and last time I would. Brian's hands went around my waist and he and I began kissing passionately on the couch. Before I could even felt like I wasn't thinking at all this week. I was with Brian in his room asleep in his arms. I woke about four that morning and decided it was all wrong. I found my clothes and slipped them on, how stupid could I have been. I wrote him a note, "Brian- I'm sorry. This was completely wrong. It felt right but right is sometimes wrong. I don't want this to change our business proffessionaly, but I know I could not work with yo without feeling these strong feelings. I'm sorry-Sarah.'' I left the note on the nightstand by his bed and made my way downstairs. I drove home with tears in my eyes. I was a horrible person. I tiptoed into the house and told my mom and dad that Brian and i had gotten way carried away on laying tracks down. At eight that morning the phone rang. "hello?" I asked.

"Sarah it's Brian. Ummm.....I got you a new manager and my friend Max Martin is going to finish the tracks with you. It means you'll have to go over to California for a while to record. I've already shipped the ones we've done over to him. I'm leaving town this afternoon. I'm sorry we had to end this way," he said.

"I'm sorry too. thanks for working that stuff out," I said.

"No prob anything for you," he said and hung up. I ran to my room with tears in my eyes. My mom walked in with a look of concern on her face.

"Please call Kaleb and ask him to come over," I said. She did and within ten minutes he was rushing through the door of my room.

"Honey whats wrong?' he asked.

"Let's get married now. I just got a call from brian and my new producer and manager wnat me to move to California for a while to record. But before I go I wanna marry you," I siad hugging him. This was the right thing to do. I was completely sure of it.

"Ok if thats what you want we'll move up the date," he said. We had originally made the day for September which was in three months so we moved it up to just one month. I was positive that was what i wanted. I shrugged off the thought of Brian constantly. I didn't know how to look at Kaleb without thinking of him as Brian. I really tried hard. About a week before the wedding, I dragged my friend Mary-beth to the pharmacy. I couldn't believe I was buying a pregnency test. "How long has it been since your last?" Mary asked.

"Like a month or so," I said. sitting on my bed waiting for the results.

"Have you and Kaleb?" she asked.

"Yeah sure. I mean yeah we have but we didn't a month ago," I said.

"Then who?" she asked.

"You swear Mary-Beth. I'm only telling you this cause I love you to deaht and your my bestfriend. Brian," I siad.

"Brian you mean Brian like BSB's Brian?" she asked.

"Yeah thats him," I managed a half smile.

"Are you gonna tell Kaleb?" she asked.

"No and neither are you. Were schedualed to leave for California the wedding night. I mean I'll just tell him that it's his. Like a couple weeks after were married," I siad.

"Sarah are you sure thats such a good idea?" she asked.

"Mary-Beth think about it I don't want to ruin Brians career and I don't want Kaleb to be disapointed. I love him too much," I said telling a lie. I looked at Mary-Beth and cried. She hugged me tightly and told me it would be ok. She promised to keep my secret and read the results for me.

"It's positive sweetie," she said. I burst out in tears and cried myself into a sleep.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6