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~*chapter 1*~

Jennibear and Kris were lying on their beach towels. They were trying to get good tans before all of the Spring Breakers got to Daytona. They had been in Daytona for about a total of 7 hours and had already spent about 5 of those on the beach.

Just when they were both about to drift to sleep, Jennibear screamed. "Ahhhh! What the..."She said.

"What, what? What's wrong?" Kris asked, jumping up quickly.

"This stupid ball just hit me in the stomach."

"Where did it come from?" Kris asked her friend.

"I don't know. What do I look like, Sherlock Holmes or something?" Jennibear said smart aleckly.

"Hahaha. Very funny." Just as they both laid back down, someone's shadow blocked their sunrays."Excuse me babe, can we have our ball back?" Some guy said with a booming voice. Jennibear looked up. "Looks like you have a pair of your own. Why do you need this one?" She said to the guy.

"Hey, hey. You got yourself a little attitude. Well, Don't give me attitude cause I got one of my own." He said sarcastically.

"Hey A.J! You coming or not?" Someone yelled from behind him.

"Look, can I please have my ball back now?'' A.J said with a childish voice.

"Oh, sure. Here you go." She handed him the ball. When she looked at his face she just noticed how good-looking he was.

"Hey, I'm sorry for the comment earlier. I guess I came off a little strong." Jennibear said blushing. Why is it I always do that to guys? She wondered.

"Hey, it's okay. I guess I like girls that way. It shows they ain't into all the prissy little stuff. Care to join us in a game of volley ball?" He said expectantly.

"Uh, Kris. Wanna play some v-ball?" Jennibear asked.

"You go ahead. I need to catch some rays. I'll see you later.

Jennibear followed A.J back to where there were three other guys on a sand spot with a net. There was a brunette sitting in the lifeguard seat. Hey, he doesn't look too bad, Jennibear thought. Not as cute as this guy though, referring to AJ.

"Hey y'all this is..."AJ stopped. "Well, I kinda didn't catch your name."

"My name is Jennifer. Just call me Jennibear." She said shyly.

"Well, this is Nick. This is Howie. That's Kevin. And there's Brian up in the lifeguard seat. And in case ya don't know, I'm A.J.

"So ya wanna play a game of volleyball? It's guys against girls." Nick said.

"Uh. There is only one girl and five guys." Jennibear said.

" Yeah, I know. That is the point. We can beat you." Nick said.

"Yeah right. I could take all y'all on." Jennibear said competitively.

"Oh you think so huh? Bring it on!" Nick said.

"Ha! Bring it on then!" Jennibear exclaimed at him.

"Okay, but we don't even have even teams yet." Nick said.

"Hold on! Wait right here and I'll be right back." Jennibear said.

Chapter 2