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~*Chapter 39*~

I jumped out of bed for the second time. It had taken me a while to fall asleep in the first place, I had kept tossing and turning. And when I finally did, I kept having a dream that there was a competition between me and Danielle. Everyone chose Danielle over me, including Nick. I felt my growing stomach, and looked over at Nick as he rolled over. I crawled back under the covers, and gently placed my head on Nick's chest. I heard his heart beat, and I felt light tears start to fall. I knew that Nick would never leave me, but I felt some doubt coming on, and I felt a pit in my stomach grow larger. I remembered the times in high school when me and Danielle were practically inseperable. She seemed to be perfect to me, all the time. Her hair was always flawless, and her clothes were always top-notch and in fashion. I'd been jealous of her for a long time, because all the guys would notice her, and then realize she had a pet, me. Suddenly, those feelings came rushing back, and I slowly felt that Nick might give her more attention, because she wasn't carrying a baby. She already had Brian eyeing her up and down, she definitely didn't need my husband. I definitely needed some rest. We were all planning on an exciting day at Disney World, and then dinner at some restaurant Nick loved. I felt my tears dry slightly, and slowly drifted to sleep. "Jess, come with me on Splash Mountain, please?" Nick begged me.

"Are you sure that's good for the baby?" I asked, pulling him over to a bench.

"I don't know.." he mumbled, looking down at his feet.. Before I could respond, Danielle exclaimed cheerfully,

"I'll go!" Before Brian or I could say another word, Danielle was dragging Nick to the back of the line. Brian sat down next to me and watched the two depart. "She's great, isn't she?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, wonderful," I grumbled.

"Yeah, she's beautiful, and tall, and slim.." Brian said, listing all of her features that had made me jealous years ago.

"And perfect. And not carrying a baby," I chimed in.

"I guess you could say that.." Brian said, glancing at my strangely.

"Of course. That's what all the guys figure out about her first," I said, slowly standing up.

"Hey, Jess, you're not jealous of her are you? I mean, you're married!" Brian reminded me.

"No kidding, Sherlock," I replied.

"Why are you giving ME attitude?" Brian asked.

"Because you're just like all the rest of the guys, all in awe of Danielle and her looks. Including Nick," I said.

"But Jess, you're beautiful too. Always were and probably always will be," Brian said, desperately trying to cheer me up.

"Ha! Yeah, all guys I've met want to go out with a short, fat lady carrying a baby," I moaned.

"Jess, imagine yourself before the baby. You were beautiful, that's what turned on two Backstreet Boys. And so did your personality," Brian said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, uh huh," I nodded sarcastically.

"Believe it or don't, it's up to you," Brian said shrugging. He'd given it his best shot. I decided not to believe it. I placed a hand on my stomach, and waited for Nick to come off the ride with Danielle. "MMM... this all sounds too good!" Danielle said, looking through the menu, "What do you recommend?" she asked, grinning flirtaciously and Nick.

"Whatever you want, you've got plenty of weight to gain down here, especially while you're down here with Jess and me," he said, grinning at me. I scowled back.

"So, how's it up in New York?" Brian asked.

"Oh, it's great. I"m only down here for a week, and most of it will be on business," she said, sadly.

"Oh.. too bad it couldn't be longer," I said, putting on a fake frown. Danielle gave me a weird look, but didn't ask anything.

"What would you like to order?" the waiter asked.

"Salad, plain salad," I said, ordering first.

"And the Penne," Nick chimed in.

"Nick, I just want a salad," I said.

"That's not healthy for the baby. Just get the salad and the pasta," Nick said.

"Nick, I don't want it," I whispered harshly.

"Yeah, but you're eating for two," Nick said, ordering next.

"So maybe if I looked more like Danielle it would be okay to get just a salad?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Jess that's not what I meant," he sighed.

"Bullshit that's not what you meant. That's what you want me to believe," I said, suddenly standing up.

"Excuse me," I said tears forming as I ran into the bathroom. I'd been tired of being compared to Danielle, she was nothing like me. The tears fell, as I remembered seeing Nick happy as she led him to the ride that afternoon. She couldn't be doing this, stealing my own husband under my nose. "What was that?" Danielle asked Nick as the waiter left.

"I have no idea. I was telling her what to order and she said something about compared to you, and ran to the bathroom," Nick said, concern flashing through his eyes.

"I better go help her," Danielle said, standing up and going to the bathroom.

"B, what's goin on?" Nick asked, as he tried to hide his head behind the menu.

"Nothing, she didn't tell me a thing," Brian said, looking at him quickly.

"Yeah right, that's why you're hiding from me, right?" Nick asked, pulling the menu away.

"Fine, but you didn't hear it from me," Brian said quickly, sighing.

"So.." Nick asked. "Today I was telling her about how great Danielle was, and I'm getting a feeling she's jealous. She said something about all guys, including you being in awe of her beauty, and leaving Jess behind. I tried to tell her it wasn't true, and she said something about all guys wanting some pregnant lady. Then she get all pissed, and ended the conversation," Brian said, shrugging.

"And me telling her what to get, kinda went over the top," Nick said, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Brian asked.

"To see what's going on," Nick replied.

"Jess?" I heard Danielle ask wearily.

"What do you want?" I asked stubbornly.

"What's going on? I come to visit, and I see you crying?" she asked.

"Danielle, remember how in high school all the guys saw you as a princess and me as your pet? It's that way again. I can't go through like that, not with my own husband," I said, crying again.

"Jess, it's not like that, you don't think that do you?" she asked, standing next to me.

"Dani, you don't remember, but I do. All the guys envied you, and it's just happening again now. I see my past again, but this time we're older," I said.

"I---I'm sorry," she said.

"Hey, it's nothing. It's okay, there's nothing you can do," I said.

"Will you be okay?" she asked, hugging my lightly.

"Yeah, just go back to dinner, I bet Brian and Nick can't wait to talk to you," I said, smiling slightly.

"Okay, will you be out in a few?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded, knowing it would take longer than that.

"Okay," she said, walking out of the door. I fell into the couch, and started to cry again.

"Hey, is she okay?" Nick asked, seeing Danielle come out the door.

"No, I can tell she's not over it, but she's too strong to break. Maybe you'll have some luck later," she said.

"Is anyone else in there?" he asked.

"No... just her crying," she said.

"Okay," Nick said, walking into the door, before Danielle could say another word. I heard the door open, I quickly ran to the sink head down.

"Jess?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Nick?" I asked, spinning around stunned.

Chapter 38
Chapter 40