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~*ChApTeR 1*~

Aly peered at the box lying on the ground. Someone forgot it, she thought. Sighing, she walked over to it. There was a cover over it. Aly grinned and picked up the box. She almost fell over! What's in here? Bricks? Aly lugged the box over to the bench near the luggage return. She was at the Sydney Australia Airport, waiting for her 2 best friends to return from their vacations. Aly sat down beside it and sighed in exhaustion. Curiousity suddenly got the best of her. After looking around the airport lobby for spies, she carefully removed the cover. After briefly closing her eyes, she looked into the box. Her eyebrows narrowed as she saw what was inside. There were 2 photo albums lying at the bottom of the box. On top were about half a dozen videotapes. And on top of those were about 4 scrapbooks. Aly's hand dropped to her lap. What are these from? Again, her curiousity pounded in her ears. Pushing aside the scrapbooks, she picked up one of the videotapes. There was a label on it. Aly had to strain to read the scratchy writing. In sloppy black ink, it read:


Aly's eyes widened. The scratchy writing suddenly became familiar to her. It was that of Nick Carter from her favourite group, the Backstreet Boys. A smile crept across her face as she returned the videotape to its original place in the box. Aly returned the cover to the box and stood up. She picked up the box and groaned under its weight. She walked through the airport and out the sliding doors. She opened the trunk of her car and placed the box at the back. I gotta see all this! Aly slammed the trunk and walked back into the airport, to wait for her friends to arrive.

Almost in a daze, Aly walked to the gate at which her friends Mel and Vanessa would be arriving. They had travelled to England to perform in their church choir competition. It was all free and the two didn't have to pay a thing. Aly, of course, wasn't part of the choir and, therefore would not have been able to afford the expense on her own. Finally, Mel appeared at the gate door. With a loud squeal, she ran to Aly. Vanessa wasn't too far behind. All three of them embraced and then Mel and Vanessa grabbed their luggage. They talked excitedly about their trip to Aly on their way to the parking lot. Aly wasn't listening. "Hey Al! What's wrong?" Vanessa asked as they walked into the sunshine. Aly smiled slightly. She looked up at her friends and cocked an eyebrow. "I've got something to show you guys when we get to my house" she said. Mel and Vanessa both moaned in unison.

"You always do this!" Mel yelled. Aly giggled as they reached the car.

"But this time it's good...or at least I think it is" she replied, taking her friends bags from them. She placed them into the trunk, beside the secret box. Aly climbed in the driver's seat, fastening her seat belt. Mel sat in the passenger seat while Vanessa had to sit in the back. The engine started and Aly guided the car out of the airport parking lot. Mel turned the volume dial and, the speakers just about blew out by the sudden blast of sound. It was Larger Than Life, a song off of the Backstreet Boys' Millenium album. Vanessa began singing along with the song at the top of her lungs. "All you people can't you see, can't you see. How your love's affecting our reality. Every time we're down, you can make it right. And that makes you larger than life." Mel and Aly started singing along with the next verse. Goosebumps appeared on Aly's arm as she thought about the box in her trunk. It was at least 2 more hours until they reached her house. The anticipation was killing her! Finally, 2 hours later, Aly led her car in to the driveway. The girls got out and Aly opened the trunk. Before she had a chance to grab the box, Mel pointed to it. "What's that?" she asked. Aly smiled and grabbed the box from the trunk. Vanessa took her bag and began walking up the driveway. Mel slammed the trunk closed. "It's the surprise!" Aly exclaimed, running up her driveway. Mel and Vanessa looked at each other and followed Aly inside the house...

Chapter 2