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~*ChApTeR 4*~

A few enormously long moments later, AJ's voice came on the line. "AJ here" he said. Aly's hands were trembling so much that she had to clutch the kitchen counter until her knuckles were white.

"Hi" is all she could say. AJ laughed.

"Do I know you?" he asked. Aly bit her lip.

"No...we found your tapes" she replied. AJ burst out laughing.

"No shit! Whoa! This is so weird" he goffed, obviously shocked. Aly smiled at her friends as they listened from the table.

"Yeah I guess. Ummm....why did you want to contact us?" she asked. AJ was silent for a while.

"I can't remember.'d really like to see them. Where are you from?" he asked Aly.

"I'm from Australia" she said quietly. More silence.

"Oh man. I was hoping you were from the US" he said.

"No. We're not" she said.

"Who's we?" AJ asked. The girls could hear the TV in the background, and along with laughter.

"My two friends" Aly replied.

"Oh okay. Well...umm...I'd like to meet you girls. But we do live really far from each other. Hmm....well we don't have too much going for us right now. So I think we could make our way over there, unless you want to come here..." he trailed off. Mel and Vanessa jumped up from the table and both squealed. AJ laughed.

"Yeah that's the normal reaction" he laughed. Aly laughed.

"Well...they just came home from a competition in England, so I don't think it'll be too good to travel just yet. Is there a way for you guys to come here?" she asked hopefully.

"Mmm hmm" AJ mumbled. "How 'bout I call you back later tonight. Around, let's say...8 your time?" he asked. Mel ran out of the kitchen and up the stairs. The other two girls could hear her screaming on the next floor. "Yeah okay. But you don't have my number..." Aly trailed off. AJ laughed and a chill ran down Aly's spine. She always loved his laugh.

"Call display! I got it, don't worry" he replied. Aly giggled.

"Okay. I'll talk to you later then. Bye" she said.

"Bye ladies" he said sweetly. Then the dial tone filled the room. Aly clicked off the speaker phone and just stared at it for an unknown length of time. Mel came down the stairs, pale and bewildered. "Omigosh! I can't believe this!!" she screamed, her hands up to her cheeks. Vanessa groaned.

"Mel, you can't freak out like this when we meet them" she replied. Aly snapped out of her daze.

"You mean if we meet them. Who knows if this will all work out" she corrected. Vanessa glared at her.

"No...ummm...when we do. We're gonna meet them. I'll make sure of that. I'm gonna give Brian a BIG HUGE hug and tell him how much I love him!" she exclaimed. Aly laughed.

8:15 PM

"WHY ISN'T HE CALLING??!!" Mel shrieked pacing the kitchen back and forth. Vannessa grabbed Mel's arm to stop her.

"I dunno. Mel sit down and relax. The more you think about it, the more time it'll take for him to call. Forget about it and he'll call" she replied. Aly nodded and pulled out the chair beside her. "Sit. Play" she said. Mel sat down. Vanessa took the dice and rolled it. They were playing monopoly to help pass the time. Suddenly, the phone rang. Mel jumped up and squealed. She ran to the phone and flipped on the speaker phone. "HELLO??!!" she screamed. A familiar laugh erupted through the speaker...

...The laugh was a bit throaty, and the girls knew exactly who it was. "How are you girls doing?" AJ asked. All three girls yelled,

"FINE!" in unison. AJ laughed again.

"Good. Okay, I think we can meet you. We're going to catch the 7 AM flight to Sydney, do you wanna meet us there?" he asked. The girls held back their excitement and had to bite their lips.

"Yes. Yes, we can!" Vanessa exclaimed, a little too excited. AJ laughed again.

"Are you always this loud?" he asked. The girls laughed nervously.

"Pretty much, yeah" Aly joked. Again, AJ laughed.

"Okay. Meet us there at 10 AM, your time. Can't wait to meet you" he replied.

"Us either. Bye AJ" Aly replied. AJ said his good-byes and hung up. Aly turned off the speaker phone and looked at her friends. "What is going on here?" she asked. Mel and Vanessa were confused.

"What do you mean?" Mel asked. Aly walked over to the fridge. She handed her friends Dr. Peppers and got one for herself.

"I mean that it sounds like AJ, but why would they even want to meet us? We didn't do anything to get this girls" she explained. Mel groaned.

"Aly. Why wouldn't he want to meet us? We were truthful with him, we didn't scream his head off like other fans do, and we were nice. And besides, he does want his tapes back, remember?" she replied. Aly shrugged.

"I guess...we'll just go and see I guess..." she trailed off.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3