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~*ChApTeR 5*~

9:59 AM The Next Day

"Ohmigod!!" Aly exclaimed as they saw Brian turn the corner. She was holding a sign that said "AJ, we have your videotapes". It was pretty logical to them that he wouldn't recognize them unless they had some sort of identification. AJ was after Brian, looking all around. The other guys all followed. Mel clutched Vanessa's arm and dug her nails in to them. "Ouch!" Vanessa wailed.

"Stop that Mel!" she whispered. Aly giggled and held the sign higher. AJ's gaze fell on the sign and he smiled. He led the others over to the girls. Aly felt like she was about to fall over from the anticipation. "Hi girls!" he said when he reached them. The girls quietly said their one-word greetings.

"Where's your car?" AJ asked. Aly pointed out to the parking lot.

"Out there... but I just realized something" she replied.

"What is that?" Brian asked. Aly's face went red at the sound of Brian's voice. She looked at the ground.

"Ummm...there's...ummm....there's..." she stammered.

"Spit it out Aly" Vanessa replied. Aly glared at her, and took a deep breath.

"There's not enough seats for everyone in my car" she replied. AJ laughed.

"I wasn't planning on taking your car. We're gonna rent one" he said. Aly blushed.

"Sorry... I didn't know..." she trailed off. Everyone laughed.

"Don't worry about it" Kevin said.

"You didn't know." Aly smiled.

"Okay then!" AJ exclaimed. "Let's get going!" The guys went to rent their car, and the girls headed to theirs. As they waited, the girls exchanged their excitement. "DID YOU SEE THE LOOK ON BRIAN'S FACE!!! OMG!! HE'S SO SWEET!!!" Aly screamed, jumping up and down. The girls all laughed.

"YEAH!!! BUT NICK LOOKED SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!!" Vanessa exclaimed. Aly pretended to beat her down, unsuccessfully since Vanessa ran off. She turned around while running to laugh at the other two, and ran straight into Nick. "Oh!" she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry!" Nick laughed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm clumsy too" he replied, turning Vanessa around. She blushed and smiled at him.

"Thanks" she whispered. Nick narrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"For what?" he asked. Vanessa shrugged.

"I don't know..." she trailed off. Nick laughed and walked her to the others. The other guys came two seconds after.

"Okay! Let's go!" AJ exclaimed, taking the keys from Brian.

"I'm driving!" The boys followed the girls out of the parking lot, and they were on their way to Aly's house...

Chapter 6
Chapter 4