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Chapter 1

"C'mon Nick, I'm getting tired, can we go yet?" Brandi whined.

"Hold on hon, just a couple more minutes, I've gotta stay a little longer for the guys.." Nick said, running off with Brian.

Brandi sighed, this was the usual thing, Nick seemed to be ignoring her lately. It seemed unlikely, the girl who was dating THE Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys could be so unhappy, but it was true. And it seemed oblivious to Nick. It was like Nick was in his own little world, a trance, and she wasn't a part of it. She sighed, when they first started out, 8 monthes ago, everything was fine.
Now, it was a sudden blur, something she was just whisked through. Back then, they were madly in love... and it was obvious to everyone. seemed like Nick didn't even care. Brandi slowly slid into the closest couch and waited for Nick to return.

Justin saw her. She was beautiful: tall, thin, pretty eyes, everything he looked for in a girl. So he wondered why she could look so unhappy at one of the most glamorous after award show parties. He glanced at JC, who stood next to him, talking to Lance. "Hey, JC, look at her, do you know who she is?" Justin asked, trying not to sound urgent. But he knew if he didn't find out her name soon, it would be too late.

"Timberlake, don't go there. Don't you know Nick Carter?" JC replied.

"Yeah..." Justin said, his voice trailing off, "the BSB are one of our closest rivals."

"And good friends," Lance added.

"Right, that's our buddy Nick's girlfriend. They've been going out for a while. I wouldn't bother keeping your eyes out for her, she's taken," JC reminded.

But Justin knew it wasn't going to be that easy. It was hard to forget someone that perfect for him. He started to walk toward the mystery girl, when JC grabbed his arm. "What are you doing?" he asked protectively.

"Finding out her name. I might as well become friends with her.." Justin said, getting closer to her. "Hi," he said, reaching her.

"Hi," she replied, looking up. "Can I sit here?" Justin asked.

"Sure," the stranger answered, moving over to make room. Justin quickly sat down, and started to look around the room.He didn't want to look to needy. He turned to look at her. She looked troubled, the way he had seen her before. "What's your name?" Justin asked.

"Brandi, Brandi Confry," she replied, smiling.

"Cone fry?" Justin asked, trying to repeat her last name.

"No, con as in con artist, and free. Confry," she repeated, smiling.

"Oh, okay," he said.

"Aren't you Justin Timberlake from *N Sync?" Brandi asked.

"Yeah," he said, looking around again. "Who are you here with?" Justin asked, even though he already knew the answer.

Brandi cringed. Should she say Nick? I mean, she WAS here with Nick, but Nick wasn't acting like it.

"What makes you think I'm here with someone?" she asked, after some thought.

"Oh, well I just... I thought... are you?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, with Nick Carter," she said. It had to come out, she couldn't hide it.

Justin took a deep breath, before asking his next question. "Are you two going out?"

Brandi looked down at her hands. She knew it was coming, but what should she say, yes? Nick had been acting weird, like she wasn't even there. She didn't even know what to call them. "Friends, really good, close friends," she lied. She knew it was wrong, but Nick would never find out, so she was safe.

Suddenly, Justin's expression brightened. So JC was wrong, he thought, smiling to himself. "Oh, cool," he said. "So, wanna go out some time?" Justin blurted out.

"You waste no time, huh?" Brandi giggled. "So is that a yes?" Justin asked.

"It's a call-me-and-we'll-work-out-the-details answer," she replied, smiling.

"Okay," Justin agreed.

"Why the sudden need for a date? You have another award show to go to, and you need a girl?" Brandi asked.

"No... I want to get to know you better..." Justin said.

"Now that was corny," Brandi teased. Justin untensed. This girl was easy to talk to... he wondered why Nick wasn't going out with someone so sweet, so nice. So everything. Whatever, that was his problem, Justin thought to himself, as he talked to her some more.

Suddenly, Nick cut in. "Hi Justin, you ready to go Brand?" he asked, as Brandi slowly stood up.

"Hey Nick," Justin said, hoping Nick didn't notice him blushing. How did he get caught talking to her? He just wished the tabloids didn't get note of this.

"Yeah, let's go," She said, as Nick put his arm around her shoulder.

Justin grabbed the closest napkin, and scribbled down his number. "Here, we'll talk another time," Justin said.

"Oh, here's mine," she said, ripping off the unwritten part, and wrote down her phone number and cell number. "The cell one's just in case," she mumbled, as Nick watched.

"See ya later Brandi," Justin said, walking to join JC and tell him he was wrong.

"What was that all about?" Nick asked, as the left the party.

"Nothing, we just got kinda close while we were talking," Brandi said shrugging.

"I can tell why he would want to talk to you, you're everything in the world to me, and I love you," Nick said, kissing her cheek. She squirmed. Why did she lie? Why couldn't she just tell Justin that she was REALLY dating Nick? Well, there was nothing to do now, and it wasn't like Nick would find out if she went on one simple date with Justin. "I love you too," she whispered, kissing him too.

"So what was that about?" JC asked.

"You were wrong," Justin said, "She's just really close friends with Nick."

"Are you sure, cuz there was a picture in a magazine showing them kissing," JC said.

"What magazine was that? Some teenybopper magazine trying to rip you off? Besides, I asked her and she said they were just close friends," Justin said.

"Are you sure she isn't just playing you?" JC asked cautiously.

"She wouldn't do that," Justin replied.