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~*Chapter 2*~

"Thanks Nick.. I had an awesome time," Brandi said, snuggling up against Nick's arm as they drove home, trying to get the thought of Justin out of her head.

"I'm glad you could make it this time.. unlike last time," Nick said, bringing back a sour moment from the American Music Awards. She had flown out to see it with him, he just didn't know it. Brandi shuddered, remembering. She had arrived at the airport, in time to see Nick kissing a fan. And this wasn't the usual "goodbye-kiss-on-the-cheek". This was all on. Then, she called his cell phone from a pay phone, told him she couldn't go, and spent her night watching the awards on TV while crying her eyes out at the hotel. Not her best night. Then, when she confronted him, they got into a fight, that the media blew way out of proportion, and ended up making it worse. By the time they had gotten over it, it had been a week. And she had to admit, that was the worst week she'd ever experienced. She felt unloved. But, now it had been 4 monthes, and she figured that he hadn't done something like that since. "Please Nick, don't remind me," she said, kissing him.

"Okay, as long as you keep kissing me like that," Nick said, going in for another one. Suddenly, Brandi's cell phone rang.

"Shit," she mumbled, reluctantly picking up her phone. She smiled at Nick, as his eyes returned to the road.

"Hello?" she asked. Somehow people always knew when to call her at the worst moments.

"Hi, Brandi?" she heard Justin's familiar voice respond.

"Oh, hi," she said, smiling at Nick. How long had it been since she left? It couldn't have been that long, she figured.

"Can you talk or are you busy?" Justin asked quietly.

"I'm almost home.. I'll call you then, Auntie," she replied.

"Auntie?!" Justin exclaimed, surprised.

"Are you okay? If it can wait I'll call you from home," Brandi said, hoping Justin didn't start questioning her about the new name "Auntie". She certainly couldn't say Justin in front of Nick. That was like starting a fight between them, like putting cheese in front of a mouse. "No.. I just.. missed hearing you," Justin replied, recovering from what she just called him. Did she realize who she was talking to?

"Oh.. that's sweet, well.. I've gotta go, but I'll definitely call you in 20 minutes," she said, "bye."

"Bye," Justin said, hanging up.

"What happened?" Lance asked.

"Nothing, she called me Auntie," Justin said, shrugging.

"Auntie? Is that some new nickname I"m unaware of?" Lance teased.

"Please, I don't want to hear it. She said she'd call in 20 minutes," Justin said.

"I'm sure," Joey replied, joining the conversation, "who is the lucky lady anyway?"

"Brandi Confry," Justin replied.

"You mean Nick Carter's girlfriend?!" Joey replied.

"SHE'S NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!! They're just good friends," Justin yelled, getting frustrated with the same question and response.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. But... um.. are you sure about that?" Joey asked, fearing the answer.

"Yup, positive," Justin answered, "she told me."

"She told you, huh? How far did you guys get with this little "chat" of yours?" Joey asked, winking. Lance laughed, knowing the answer.

"Not far.... I barely found out personal info," Justin said, rolling his eyes as the flirt inside of Joey became very noticeable.

"Okay.. I getcha," he replied.


"Sorry," Brandi apologized, hanging up.

"It's okay," Nick said, making a sad puppy dog face.

"Aw.. the poor baby. Now.. where were we?" she asked, grinning seductively. Nick smiled.

"Oh right... this," she said, pressing her lips against his as she saw the red stoplight ahead.

"Oh yeah, why don't you remind me a little more?" Nick asked, kissing her again.

"Maybe later," she said, as thoughts of her and Justin flooded her memory. This was out of hand. She couldn't have a crush on Justin and be dating Nick too... could she?

Chapter 3
Chapter 1