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Chapter 2

Jen whipped her head around giving Becky a freaked out look.

"If I see an ass pressed up on the window, I think I am going to cry." Jen whaled remembering an early incident on a girls nite a month ago.

I'd like to see it!" Becky joked, looking nervously at the window. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning so neither of them knew what to expect. Jen stood up and pulled up the the blinds to reveal Devon, Markus and Darnell. The three stooges. Becky got up and pulled the window back careful to be extra quiet considering jen's parents window was like 10 feet away. Jen put her finger to her mouth signalling them to be quiet.

"what are we going to go?" Becky said waving the guys to the back.

"WHat the hell, lets go." Jen said acting without thinking for once. Jen and Becky grabbed some clothes and went outside. The guys had brought their car and parked it in the parking lot.

" Hop in girls." Markus said as he wrapped an arm around Becky. She smiled dreaming of what lay ahead.

Chapter one