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~*Chapter 1*~

I ran from store to store. I had to find the perfect dress. A dress that would go perfect for the ceremony and reception. It was a small service so I didn't need anything too drastic. I went into the shop with B.J. by my side. Several dresses where already in the room. I began to try them on. My thoughts drifted from the dress to the night Nick had asked me to marry him. He told me to wear the little black dress, I did. The car ride with a blindfold on was nothing but excrushatng curiosity. He drove me and then had me walk through God knows what. We finally reached a place with water splashing and trickles runing everywhere. He took off the blindfold to reveal a waterfall in front of me. A gorgeous pool under it aand tropical trees everywhere. On one of the banks was a picnic blanket set for two with candles and so fourth. We sat down, Nick holding my hand always. He then took out a black velvet box from his pocket. He got down on two knees infront of me and purposed. I had cried then accepted. I remember him telling me since he had a break he wanted to marry me for keeps. I cried and cried. It was funny four years of this. I had gone to nearly every concert, while he supported me on getting my teachers degree, which I had teaching first grade. My life was great and I knew the moment I put on that dress it would get better. I walked out to show B.J. "It's perfect. Just perfect," she said. It was a slender white. Nothing fancy. Nick and I had agreed on that. A quiet ceremony on the beach with my dad his parents and a few friends. I loved the whole idea.

The time came and I knew hwat they meant by cold feet. The April sun shown gorgeously on the beach at sunset. The ceremony began. I saw B.J. walk out before me with Brian. This is when I felt the most gitters. I stepped onto the shiny carpet sat before me. I took one glance up and saw Nick. My eyes where glued from then on to his sweet face. I can barely remember my dad giving my hands to Nick but I knew it happend. I stood with my hands in Nick's and listened to the minister. "Today we are gathered to join Nickolas Gene Carter and Nicole Anne Baker in holy matremony," he said. Since it was aprivate ceremony we took our own vows to each other.

"Nikki I have loved you since we where four. You have been a comfort through my hardest times. You've helped me become the man I am today. I promise you that nothing will ever come between us. Always know you can take confort in me. I love you....for always," Nick said.

"Nick, I have been so blessed with you. Thank you for being a refuge from the outside world. I will never be able to explain to anyone what an amazing love I have for you. Through my stumbles, my falls, and my wins you've been there. I love you....for always," I said.

"Nickolas do you take Nicole Anne to be your wife in sickness, in health till death do you aprt?" He asked. Nick locked eyes with mine.

"I do."

"Nicole Anne do you take Nickolas Gene to be your husband in sickness and In health till detah do you part?" I sighed.

"I do."

"Well then with the power invested in me. I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Nickolas gene Carter. You may kiss your bride," the minister said. Nick took me in his arms like he never had before, and kissed me happily. We smiled and walked down the aisle. We went to a restaurant, took pictures, and had dinner before we had to leave for the honeymoon. Nick and I jumped into the limo that was atking us to a small bed and breakfast. "Oh god do you know how much I love you?" I asked Nick while we where in the car.

"I love you more than anything. I can't wait to get there and hold you," he said hugging me tightly and not letting go.

"By the way did I tell you how absolutely sexy you look?" he asked.

"MMMM no but I'm glad to hear it anyway," I said begining to kiss his neck.

"Babe wait till we get to the inn," he said laughing.

"Common Nick you know I'm a little anxious. I'm practically the only twenty-four year old I know who is still a virgin," I said kissing him again.

"I know and I promise you tonight that will no longer be but let's just get there," he said.

"Okay whatever you say," We reached the inn and unpacked our things. It was about nine in the evening then and I was tired. Our room was huge with a huge tub, an enormous bed and a gorgeous view of a silver lake. I starred out the window. Nick came up behind me and wrapped his strong arms around me. "What are you looking at Mrs.Carter?" he asked.

"I love the way you say that. But Mr.Carter I am looking at the gorgeous view," I said turning around to face him.

"Well you'll have all day tomorrow to look at the view. Right now I think it might be time for you to get out of that dress," he said kissing me all over. Nick layed me on the bed and began to peel the dress off me. I removed articles of his clothing also. He searched my body till he was to my sensitive parts. "You ready?" he asked. I noded.

"I'm gonna take it slow," he said. He did take it slow and I began to feel a new love for Nick as we made love. I fell asleep in Nick's arms that night. Quiet and content.

We spent three days at the inn and then ventured home. I was busy with school teaching and Nick wanted to begin recordings. We settled in at mine well our tiny apartment for now. yeah we argued about things. Well the first night he was there we argued a lot...

Chapter 2