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~*Chapter 3*~

Months went by, Nick and I grew stronger in our relationship. The guys began recording for their fifth album. Kevin had already married and had a boy named Connor who was three years old. A.J. and Howie had stayed single and as they said,"Played the lady's" Brian was becoming serious with someone and I was sure it would lead to marriage. Kevin's wife Kathrine was a wonderful person. She and I would hang out. I admired the way she would take care of Connor. "Your the perfect mom," I told her one day when we where watching the guys at the studio.

"Oh it's natuaral. I'm sure when Nick and you have children you'll be a wonderful mom," she said.

"I hope so. That is if we can have children," I lifted my head down.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Ohhh remember that crash about five or six years ago? The one in Europe. The doctors told Nick he would probably never be able to give his wife kids," I said looking at Nick smiling at me.

"I'm sorry. But is there a slight chance that maybe it'll happen?"

"The doctors never said it was impossible."

"See then don't give up hope," she said reassuringly. That night we went over to Kathrine and Kevin's house for a barbeque. We where all in the pool, having a blast. Nick had Connor in his arms and was floating around with him. "Hey Nicky boy be careful with my boy," Kevin said cooking on the grill.

"Ohh common big bro I'm a natural," he said. I swam over to Nick and Connor,

"Hey sweetie," I said tickling Connor.

"Hi Nikki," he said laughing. He was the cutest kid. He talked a mile a minute and was so sweet. I took him out of Nick's arms and sat with him on the steps of the pool. I began playing witht the water toys which made him laugh. Nick got out of the pool and stood next to kevin by the grill. "Man, have you and Nikki ever thought about maybe some of the alternatives to kids," he asked.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"Maybe a firtility clinic or even adoption," Kevin suggested.

"I'm not even sure if Nikki wants to have kids," he said unsure.

"Nick are you blind? She wants to be a mom. Nick the joy of having a kid is so awesome I can't even explain to you," he said.

"I think tonight we'll have a talk," Nick said. Nick then jumped in the pool making a huge splash. Kathrine ran over and took Connor out to eat dinner. Nick practically drenched me. I swam over to him. "You got me wet," I yelled at him. He wrapped around my waist.

"Oh baby I'm sorry. But I wanted your attention," he said pulling the starnds of hair from my face.

"You always have my attention. By the way babe those boardshorts look very sexy on you," I said wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thanks angel," he said kissing me.

"Common you guys let's eat," I heard Howie yell. Nick and I aprted.

"Howie we could have gotten a great show goin," A.J. laughed. Nick pulled me out of the pool and wrapped me in a towel.

Nick and I walked into the small aprtment. "Angel I think we need to talk about something," he said taking me over to the couch.

"Yeah there is something I wanna talk to you about too," I said sitting down.

"Okay you go first," Nick said. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.

"I wanna have a baby Nick," I said.

"I wanna have a baby too," Nick said hugging me.

"But what can we do about it?" I asked, Nick knowing what I meant.

"Well we could try naturally. And if that doesn't work we'll try doctors and maybe adoption," he said.

"Oh Nick you really mean well try?" i asked happily.

"Baby I want kids so much, we'll try," he said. I was so happy.

"Hey babe I'm feeling a little ucky from the chlorine. I think I'll take a shower. How about you?" He asked.

"Well I wanted take a shower too," I pouted.

"Well we could share one," he said lifting me up.

"Good idea honey," I said walking with him to the shower.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2