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~*Chapter 4*~

I sat in the doctors office with the hospital smell lingering over me. Suddenly the door opened and my doctor blew through. "Good morning Nikki. How are you?" he asked walking over to me.

"Good," I said nodding. "well we have your tests back," he said sitting in his chair and pulling open a file. "It seems as though your pregnant," he said. My heart raced and I got a smile on my face.

"Have you and Nick been planning this?" he asked.

"Well we had talked about having kids. But with the accident a while ago we thought it wouldn't be possible," I said.

"Well it seems you two have produced a miracle," he said standing up and schedualing me for another appointment the next week. I got to my car and looked down at my tummy. Nick and I are gonna be parents! I raced home to find Nick. I walked in the house and found a note at the counter. "Nikki- went to the studio to record with the guys. I'll be back later. Love, Nick." I knew I should have waited till he got home but I couldn't. Plus I had a very creative idea how to tell him. I took the freeway to the studio stopping at McDonald's for some fry's. While on the way there I thought of school. I had a class. Luckily by the time the baby was to come school would be out. I pulled into the parking lot and walked up to the front desk of the studio. I walked into the sound control booth. In the chair was Max he was mixing some songs for the guys. I whispered something in his ear and he agreed. "Hey guys I got this new song I want you to try some of the lyrics too," he said. Nick looked up from his music and noticed me standing there. He smiled and blew a kiss. I smiled back. Max whispered something in each of the guys ear phones besides Nick's. They all smiled and nodded but Nick didn't suspect a thing. "Okay guys. Kevin I want you to say we're...Brian I want you to say having...Howie say a..and A.J. say baby..ok?" All the guys nodded. Nick chimmed in. "What do I say?" he asked.

"Oh Nick umm you just stand there and tell me how it sounds," Max said and Nick nodded. He still didn't get it! I took the mic. The guys did their parts and right after I turned on the mic to Nick's earphones. "Nick you and I are having a baby," I said. He took off his earphones, looked up and smiled. He ran out of the booth and strait to me. He picked me up and twirled me around. "Oh my mean you and I?" Nick asked.

"Yeah Nick," I said smiling. He finally put me down and kissed me deeply.

"Whewwww go Nick," I heard all the guys chime in. They all had come up behind us. I hugged them all. "Congrats little brother," kevin said hugging him. I smiled. Nick had ridden up to the studio with Brian so he took the drivers seat on the way home. Nick and I went into the apartment and sat down on the couch. "Babe where going to have to buy a house," he said.

"Well we don't have too," I said.

"Nikki I think it's time we do," he said. I agreed.

"I'll call my real estate agent tomorrow," Nick said.

"Great. Do you think we should call our parents tonight?"I asked.

"Well how about we invite mine over tomorrow night for dinner. And I hear your dad has a week off. I'll call him in the morning and fly him down here on the next flight,"Nick said making me happy. Nick took my hand and lead me over to the piano we had managed to fit into the apartment.

"There's this song I've been working on. I was gonna save it for our anniversary, but I think now's a special time," he said sitting me down on the bench and touching the keys. A gorgeous song started to play. I smiled at how intently he looked at the keys watching and keeping track. His eys closed and he smiled knowing I was watching him with amazment. A few minutes later he stopped. "I love you," I said kissing him and putting my head on his chest.

Chapter 5
Chapter 3