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~*Chapter 5*~

I slowly batted my eyes open. My Head was lying on Nick's bare chest. His arms where around me and his morning breath was warm on my forehead. I could hear his heart beat at a steady pace. I smiled up at him at how peaceful he was. I rubbed my hand a long his chest to get him to wake-up. He slowly rubbed his eyes open and looked down on me. "Hey baby," he said stroking my hair back.

"I was just thinkin you should call your parents and my dad," I said sitting up.

"I'm there. I also need to call the real estate agent," he said.

"MMM you are such a preductive man," I smiled pulling his hair back behind his ear.

"Well ya know I try. Did I tell you how much I love it when you play with my hair?" he asked.

"No never,"I laughed.

"Oh well i do," he said leaning froward to kiss me.

"I love you,"I said raking my hands through his blond strands.

"Baby why don't you go take a shower, we'll go to the store get some stuff for dinner tonight, and you can make that amazing spaghetti of yours," Nick said picking me up and carrying me into the bathroom. I jumped into the shower and cleaned my body. It felt great to have the hot beads of water crash against my soft skin.I wrapped my body in a towel and walked back into our room. Nick was on the phone. "Ya. Definatly. So we'll see you at the airport say around 3:30 this afternoon?" Nick asked my dad on the phone. He hung up the phone and sighed.

"Okay your dad's plane leaves in a half an hour, lucky he lives next to the airport. And then everyone will be here around six. I invited the guys too," he said taking me into a hug. I looked into his eyes deeply thinking a funny thought.

"What?" Nick asked.

"It's just that I never thought I'd marry my best friend," I said telling the truth.

"Well I knew since I was four I was gonna marry you. When your parents moved in and I met you, I told my mom I was gonna marry you when I was twelve," he said laughing.

"Nah huh? What did she say?" I asked curiopusly.

"She told me I long as I ate my vegetables. Believe me I did," he laughed.

"Your so sweet babe," I said holding his hand.

"Thanks for coming guys," I said to all the guys once they got there. of course they where already clued in on the little secret. My dad's plane arrived a little late and he got there just before dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Carter with none of the kids. Calling it their only time together. I made them all eat before we said anything and finally the moment of truth came upon us. "are you scared?" I asked Nick cautiously. "No. I know they'll be ahppy," he said smiling for me. We walked out.

"Okay everyone here it goes.....Nick?" I said looking at him.

"Yeah thanks Nikki. We'll Nikki and I have thought about life beyond us for a long time. We are going to have a baby," he said. I covered mye eyes. Mrs.Carter leaped from her chair and hugged us both.

"Finally a grandchild for me to spoil," she smiled.

"Oh now Jane where not going to go spoiling this child, I won't have it," Bob said.

"Oh Bob don't be such a poop, I know you'll spoil it more than I will," he smiled and noded. I looked past to my Dad, he was crying.

"Daddy what's wrong?" I asked scared.

"It's nothing it's just I know you'll be just as great as your mom was too you. I'm happy sweetie, I'm happy," he said hugging me. He walked over to Nick and hugged him too. Jane began to ask tons of questions about everything. Especially about houses.

"Mom I have it taken care of," Nick said not wanting any help from his parents. Jane agreed. The Carter's went home and my dad left for his hotel. Nick and I cleaned up the kitchen but in the middle of doing so Nick stopped me.

"Forget about this. We'll finish it tomorrow," he said taking me by the waist and leading me upstairs. I climbed into my p.j.'s and Nick stripped down to his boxers, leaving him with a bare chest. He sat down on the bed looking upset. I crawled on my knees over to his backside. I wraped my arms around his shoulders laying my head in the crook of his neck. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just that my mom is always trying to make it easy on me. I wanna have some responsiblity for myself. I want this to be our baby not hers," he said looking at me.

"I understand. Let's get to bed I'm tired. Plus we have our very first doctors appointment soon," I said kissing his neck.

"You want me there," Nick asked.

"Of course. I wanna hold your hand when we see the baby for the first time. Nick you have no idea how much I love it when I can just touch you," I said,

"The feeling of having you here makes me feel safe,"I said rubbing his shoulders. Nick layed me down on the bed and layed next to me.

"Baby have you been working out?" I asked taping my fingers on his chest.

"MMMm just for you. I know how much you love it," he said.

"I do. I love falling asleep in your arms," I said yawning.

"Then close your eyes," he said begining to hum a tune to put me asleep. I slowly drifted off.

Chapter 6
Chapter 4