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~*Chapter 6*~

"Well Nikki and Nick, it seems as though you have a healthy baby," Dr.Johnson told Nick and I. This was our third appointment with him since we found out about the baby. "Now at our next appointment we will be able to determine the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?" He asked.

"Yes we do," I said speaking for Nick and myself.

"Alright then. I'll see you in two weeks then," he said leading us out to the lobby.

"Here we go sweetie," Nick said opening the car door for me. My stomach had grown and it was appearent I was pregnant.

"Have you thought of names?" Nick asked me pulling up to the house.

"I have no idea. How about you?" I asked him sitting down on the couch. I put my feet on his lap and Nick began to message them.

"Well not really, but I was thinking if it's a boy the name Aiden sounds good," he said. He took my right foot and rubbed it.

"That feels wonderful. So I guess you have thought about it," I laughed.

"Oh just a little," he said grining. I closed my eyes feeling Nick's hands wrap around my little toes.

"Oh Nick come here," I said feeling the baby kick.

"What? Are you ok?" he asked sitting up.

"Yeah I'm fine. The baby just kicked," I said putting his hand on my stomach so he could feel it.

"That's our little baby," Nick said smiling.

"Yeah that's ours," I said kissing his forehead. He placed his head on my stomach feeling the baby better. I stroked my fingers through the strands of his golden hair. "I hope this baby is as gorgeous like you," Nick said looking up at me.

"No, if it's a boy he'll be just as handsome as his daddy," I said looking into the surface of a crystal blue lake that was Nick's eyes. He lifted his head to meet my lips. I brushed mine with his and felt a tingle run through my body. "mmmmm. You are an amazing kisser," I said lying next to Nick.

"Well your not bad yourself, Mrs.Carter," he said looking at me.

"Nah, your the one with all the style and techinque."

"Well you must of had to be a good kisser or you wouldn't be carrying around a baby for nine months," Nick pointed out. I smiled. Then all of a sudden without warning I began to have small cramps in my stomach. "Ugh God!!" I started to wine.

"Nikki!! What's wrong???" Nick asked worried. "Nick, help me," I said feeling my face become red. I felt Nick's arms go under me. The last thing I remember was the sound of doctors feet and Nick saying,

"Hold on, angel it'll be ok. Hold on," he whispered in my ear. Then everything went black.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5