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~*Chapter 6*~

I slowly opend my eyes to see Nick sitting next to my bed. I was in the hospital, tubes hooked up to me everyhwere. "Nick?" I asked in a soft voice.

"Oh Honey," Nick said stroking my hair back.

"The baby. How's our baby?" I asked.

"Fine honey fine. Everything's fine. Sweetie we have a beautiful baby girl," he said with tears filling in his eyes.

"Is she healthy?" I asked.

"She's a little small, but she's pulling through. How are you?" He asked.

"Fine," I said sitting up. Suddenly a bolt of pain went through me.

"Ohhhh awwwe," I said laying back down.

"The doctor said you'd be in a little pain. Honey you went through a C-section," He siad. I had no idea. I guess the doctors had knocked me out.

"Where's my baby?" I asked. Nick. He leaned over me and pressed the nurses button. Immediately a nurse came in.

'Yes? Oh ms. your awake!" She said happily. She then hurried out of the room to get the doctor. My doctor floated through the door,"Congradulations Nikki you made it through. Your a real trooper. Let me check you over then I'll go get your baby. Let me say she's a beauty," she said taking my pulse.

"Just like her mother," Nick said leaning down to kiss me. She took my bloodpressure, and listend to my heart.

"Are you having any pain?" she asked.

"Yeah a little," I said.

"Well that's common. I'll give you something for that. Now try and sit up," she said helping me sit up. I felt myself become less stiff than before. Both left the room and I looked at Nick with a smile. Suddenly the nurse came in with the baby. "Here you are Mrs. Carter," she said handing my baby to me. I cradled her in my arms. Her body was so small, her fingers so delicate. A pink baby beanie covered her peach fuzzy hair. It was a light shade of brown, her eyes where closed and her lips where pressed together . Curled up in a baby blanket I held her next to me. I couldn't stop looking at her. This baby was a part of me a part of Nick. She was a bond that held us all together forever. I began to draw tear and Nick looked at me. "Sweetie what's wrong?' he asked.

"We have a family, Nick, were a family," I said smiling at him. "Yes we are," he said sitting next to me.

"So what will be naming our gorgeous child?" Nick asked me.

"Makayla," I said knowing it was right.

"I like it. Makayla Nicole Carter," He smiled down at me then ran his index finger over Makayla's cheek.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked.

"I want to but I'm getting so much joy watching my two favorite girl's," he said kissing my cheek. Nick and I smiled at Makayla. The dor opend quietly.

"Can we come in Mommy and Daddy?" Mr and Mrs. Carter asked.

"Oh yeh come in," nick said. My dad followed the Carter's.

"Hey dad," I said kissing his chhek.

"Is htis our grandchild?' My Dad asked.

"Yes. Now we'd like you all to meet. Makayla Nicole Carter," I said.

"Oh she's so sweet. Now let's get a picture of our new family," Mrs.carter said. Nick and I held Makayla and Mrs. Carter took the picture. Mrs. Carter took Makayla from my arms and held her tight. I looked at Nick with a smile.

"I love you," I said. He responded with a kiss.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6