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~*ChApTeR 10*~

It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to, not only did they sing all my favorite songs, but everytime Nick passed me, he either winked at me, or reached his hand out to touch mine. I could tell Kristin was wondering why Nick kept doing that, and was feeling pretty jealous. I could barely look at her, I felt terrible for not telling her about Nick kissing me, but I knew that if I told her, she would never talk to me again. I figured it was safer to keep it a secret, than to ruin our friendship, it was probably better if she found out later. They went to a break, and the announcer man came back on. He recommended that everyone stay in their seats, because even though it was a break, someone was going to come around and ask people to go backstage for a special song. Someone behind me screamed, and everyone waited anxiously for the "mystery person" to come around and pick them. While we waited, I talked to my friends surrounding me. "So, what did I miss," Caitlin asked.

"Nothing," I responded, innocently.

"Are you sure?" Kristin asked. "Yeah, we just picked out that outfit they wore when they sang 'We've Got It Goin On' and 'Everybody'," Ashley replied, not telling them about my encounter with Nick. All of a sudden, our conversation was interupted by a man. "Excuse me, miss," the man said, tapping me on the shoulder,

"Can you please come with me?"

"Me?" I squeaked.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble or anything," he promised.

"Um...sure," I said, looking at my friends. Ashley and Cheyenne looked at me, suspicion flashed their eyes, as I left my stuff, and walked away with the man. As we walked the man looked at me. "You've been chosen for the song 'I'll Never Break Your Heart'," he whispered.

"Oh! Okay," I said, understanding everything.

"You're going to be placed with one of the boys, so don't get upset if you're not placed with your favorite," he said, concern flashing through his voice.

"Sure," I replied, cheerfully. We walked backstage in silence, until I saw Nick, getting ready for the song.

"Beck! Hey! How are we doing so far?" he asked.

"You're doing great! How did I get picked?" I answered, curiously.

"Let's just say I have connections," he whispered.

"Okay, that sounds kinda interesting, but I'll have to accept it," I said, as he leaned closer. As we started to kiss we heard a voice behind Nick. "Eh-hem," Brian coughed. We both spun around, blushing a deep red.

"It's nice to see you again, Becky, can I talk to you Nick?" Brian asked politely. Nick shrugged,


"Privately," Brian answered, glancing in my direction.

"Oh, sure," Nick said, moving toward a corner. When they were out of ear reach, Brian whispered, sternly,

"Are you crazy?"

"What?" Nick asked innocently.

"If you keep having makeout sessions behind the stage, DURING THE SHOW, fans are gonna get a little offended. And they might start getting a little physical, in a bad way. And it might not be towards you, it could be towards Becky," Brian said, concerned.

"First of all, we weren't making out... yet. And, Brian, I'm a big kid. I can take care of myself," Nick replied, showing his independence.

"Fine, I'm just saying, I'm concerned, for her. You know how fans got when I said I was dating Leighanne, right? I just don't want that to happen to her, she's younger than Leigh was, and she might not be able to handle that kind of pressure, especially after Mandy," Brian reminded.

"Mandy was a big mistake. I finally figured that out. Anyway, this time I won't be as open, until I'm sure she's the one I really love," Nick said, glancing in her direction.

"You seem sure, especially being that risky now," Brian answered, smiling slyly.

"Yeah, well," Nick said, turning back in Becky's direction.

"Okay, go ahead, just keep that in mind next time," Brian said,

"Now go back to her, she looks kinda suspicious." They both turned and went back in the direction they came.

~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 9~