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~*ChApTeR 11*~

"What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"Nothing, Brian just doesn't want us to be quite as open behind stage, that's all," he said, comforting me.

"OKAY, girls!" a lady called out, as everyone turned around to listen.

"The ones chosen, will you please come over here? I have to partner you up with someone, and I need to give some instructions."

"See ya," I whispered, and I made my way over to the woman speaking.

"Okay, girls, I'm going to need your full attention, my name is Alex, and I'm just going to go over with you what we need to do," she spoke with meaning, and she meant business.

"As you should know, the guys are going to sing "I'll Never Break Your Heart", to one of you. I'm just going to pick each of you to go with a guy. Don't argue with me, or I'll find someone else," she warned. All of a sudden, Nick walked over a signaled that he wanted to talk to her. "Excuse me for a moment," she said, moving towards Nick. He whispered something in her ear, and she nodded. She turned and looked at me, grinning. "Anyway, girls, that's really all, we've set up chairs for you to sit in, while the guys will stand and sing to you. Got it?" she asked. Everyone murmured a response.

"Okay, now, let's pick the buddies. Hmmm," she mumbled in deep thought.

"How bout you.." she pointed to the blond sitting on my far right, "go with Kevin. Next.. AJ, you," again she pointed, this time at the girl on my right, "should go with him. You should go with Howie," she mumured, pointing to the girl on my far left. That left me and the girl next to me. We knew who was left, Brian and Nick. Either way, I'd be happy, but I would much rather be partnered up with Nick. "For Brian, that," she said to the girl standing next to me. "And that leaves you with Nick," she noted, looking at me. I turned around to tell Nick, but he was already standing behind me.

"Hey, partner. Ready to be mortified in front of hundreds of fans?" he asked, teasingly. I playfully punched him lightly in the arm.

"The only person I would get mortified with is you," I said.

"Aww, thanks. I wouldn't mind getting mortified with you either," he said, sweetly.

"Oh my god!" I cried, remembering Kristin.

"What, what happened?" Nick asked, concerned.

"Nothing, it's just that I didn't tell Kristin about...well, you know," I replied.

"Oh, the dressing room incident," he grinned, remembering the moment.

"Well, yeah, and now she'll probably wonder how I got picked for this song," I worried.

"Beck, calm down, one recommendation, enjoy the song. She'll understand. This song is practically screaming "FROM NICK TO BECKY", so just enjoy it," he told me, his eyes sparkling.

"Okay, okay, I'm such a worry wart," I told him.

"Yeah, but you're a beautiful worry wart, and the one I love," he commented. I blushed, and we linked our arms as we made our way over to the stage door.

"Good luck," he whispered, kissing me on my forehead. I smiled at him, as we started to walk on stage.

~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 10~