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~*ChApTeR 13*~

"So, what was that all about? And this time, I want ALL details," Kristin whispered.

"Later," I pleaded, "Not during the concert."

"No one's even on! Just tell me, it can't be that bad, can it?" Kristin forced.

"Well, you'd be surprised," I said.

"Yeah, well, we'll see, but you have to tell me first," Kristin said, not taking no for an answer.

"Fine, but you can't hate me, ok?" I cringed at the thought of what could happen.

"Fine, but you have to tell me first!" Kristin cried.

"I kissed Nick Carter," I got the words out of my mouth fast, hoping that she wouldn't understand what I said.

"YOU WHAT?!" Kristin cried. "Nick Carter? The one up there?" Caitlin said, trying to take it all in. I looked at Cheyenne and Ashley. They nodded, along with me. "You mean to tell me, they saw it too?" Kristin said, trying to understand.

"Yeah, but it wasn't that bad, and he's pretty cute, and nice, and--" I started.

"I can't believe you," Kristin said, "That doesn't even sound possible."

"Fine, don't, see if I care, but I'm seeing him after this concert, whether you like it or not," I said.

"You'll have to prove it to me," Kristin replied.

"Why do I have to prove myself to you? You don't have to believe me," I answered, coolly.

"HA! I knew this was a trick, if it was true, then you'd take me back there and show me," Kristin replied haughtily.

"Oh yeah? Fine, I tried not to hurt your feelings, but I'll prove it to you, if you need evidence. After the concert, okay?" I asked. I knew I was betraying Nick, he'd probably kill me if he knew I was telling Kristin all the information I was spilling. He'd have to understand, it's that simple. "Fine, why not now?" Kristin asked.

"Fine, let's go." We walked back up the stairs I just came from, and into the door where the boys were. I knocked, and Nick appeared, standing behind the door. "Hey beautiful, wanna introduce me to your friend?" he asked, opening the door fully. I blushed, but replied,

"Hey, this is my friend, Kristin, the one I was talking about. She just wanted to say hi, she also got a backstage pass," I told him, glancing in Kristin's direction. She looked in shock.

"Hi, obviously, my name is Nick," he replied, holding his hand out. I saw Brian pass behind Nick, getting ready to sneak up on him.

"Aww.. look, the two lover birds meet again," he said, all mushy.

"You mean to tell me, you guys are going out?" Kristin asked, her eyes wide. Nick glared at Brian, but answered,

"Yeah, I guess it's fair to say that." Both of them looked at me for a conformation. I looked at the ground, but nodded a response,

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Hey, do you to wanna come watch us from backstage?" Nick asked, moving aside so there was room for us to come through.

"Sure!" I exclaimed, glad we changed the uncomfortable subject.

"Nah, I think I'll pass, besides, you two will probably have more fun without me," Kristin said, tears forming in her eyes. She ran away, and I started to run after her, but Nick grasped my arm before I could get away. "Okay, hold on, before you go running away, can you tell me what just happened. Was it something I said?"

"No, it's just that.. well, she's the other one who had a crush on you," I reminded him.

"Oh, shit! Tell her I'm sorry. I didn't even realize the connection until now! And....." Nick's voice trailed off glancing at Brian waiting for his apology.

"Oh, yeah, tell her I'm sorry too, I thought she knew by now," Brian added.

"Yeah, sure," I said, giving Nick a kiss before I ran off after Kristin.

"What a friend, what a girl," Nick mumbled, as he watched her run off after her friend. He closed the door behind him, as he finished getting ready for his next appearance on stage.

~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 12~