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~*ChApTeR 14*~

"KRISTIN!!" I yelled down the hall, "Stop! Wait! You don't understand!"

"Of course I don't, I've already missed to much!" she cried, slamming one of the cell doors in the girls' bathroom.

"Kristin, I'm sorry," I pleaded, trying to catch my breath.

"No, you're not, don't tell me that crap, because from now on, I don't believe a word you say," she replied, in between sobs.

"Why? I warned you," I said.

"You said it meant nothing, but that was just another joke, right?" she asked, coming out of the bathroom, her face tearstained, "just another one of your little laughs on me, huh? If it meant nothing, then why the hell am I the last to know you're going out?"

"You aren't, but that's not the point, it just happened so recently, and I didn't want to hurt your feelings, that's all I ever meant to do, I never, EVER wanted to hurt you, do you really think I could find it in me to do that?" I asked.

"Hurt my feelings?? You don't think I'm hurt? All you had to tell me was that you were going out, and give some time to digest it, but instead, you blurt it out, WITH Nick, and I'm supposed to understand and be happy? That's not the way it works Becky. I thought you were my friend, but obviously, I was wrong." Her words hit me like daggers, straight to my heart. I never realized how much I'd hurt her until now, I honestly thought I was saving her heartbreak, when instead I'd just made it worse. All I ever really had to tell her was the truth, without going about it behind her back, and instead I told her when it was too late. "I.. I'm sorry," I spit out, barely finding the words to express myself.

"Yeah, whatever, you never really cared, and now you'll never find time for me, OR your other friends, now that the new love of your life has stepped in and replaced us," she commented sourly.

"That's not true, I would never forget you guys," I shot back, "stop acting like a prima donna, because you may think you're perfect, but you're not. Now, I've tried to be helpful, and when you wanted to be introduced, I helped you. I never promised you anything else. Just except it, I didn't plan it, it just happened, but you'd have found out sometime, it's better now than later, and I would have wanted to tell you later, so it didn't ruin your night, but I guess that didn't work out now did it? I tried to keep it from you, but that didn't work, I knew it would hurt you." I gathered up all the strength I had left to say that, and now that I did, I felt finished. I'd said what I'd wanted, and I'd gotten the reaction I wanted, a gaping mouth, with wide eyes, but somehow it didn't feel quite as great as I thought. In fact, it felt painful. "You tried not to hurt me?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, I knew that you liked Nick, and I figured that this was your night too, not just mine, and I figured that it was better to tell you later, but that plan didn't work," I replied, trying to comfort her.

"Becky," she sobbed, coming in for a hug.

"Kristin, I thought you knew me well enough, and would be happy, and I was excited, but if you don't want me dating him, then I won't."

"No, you have to," she said looking at me.

"No I don't, not if it will hurt you this much to see us together."

"He loves you, don't you realize that? I've never seen love that strong!" she commented, pointing out something I'd missed.

"Well... friends come first," I said, although I seriously wanted her to say yes, because I didn't want to hurt Nick either.

"Becky, this is final, he loves you, you love him, why have me come in the way?" Kristin asked the obvious.

"Because.... you're my friend, but if that's the way you want it, then I'll tell him yes, yes we're a couple, yes I love him, yes it's okay with you," I whispered.

"Yes, that's how I want it, both of you happy," she said, wiping her eyes and face.

"Fine, are you ready to continue with the party of your life?" I asked, energy already beginning to soar.

"Of course, let's go back," Kristin said. I held the door open, and we walked back to the concert hall, ready for anything.

~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 13~