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~*ChApTeR 15*~

"Are you okay?" Cheyenne asked concerned, as we walked back to our seats,

"I saw you both run out."

"Nothing, we're fine," I said, giving he the I'll-tell-you-later look. She nodded, and left us alone. We sat down, as the background music for the song "The One" started playing, and Nick came onstage, leading the rest of the guys out too. As AJ started singing, Nick and Kevin walked down opposite side stairs, and all the girls in the front row screamed, and held out their hand. As they walked by, the tapped every hand possible, until they got to where Kristin and I were standing. Kevin grabbed Kristin's hand, and held on, while Nick did the same to me. He started singing, "To hold you and make sure that you'll be alright, 'cause my faith is gone, and I want to take you from darkness to light," he said, winking. I laughed sheepishly, while the girls around me stared jealously. No one besides my friend, knew that it was true. He walked off, him and Kevin kept walking in the direction they were headed, and they climbed back onstage. They bowed, and started singing another song. I was in a daze, I didn't even realize what song they were singing anymore, I was just gazing at Nick, without taking my eyes off of him. I couldn't help it, I honestly thought I was in love, and if I looked like any of the other fans, then I blended in well. I anticipated the moment that I would have with Nick, after the concert, and couldn't wait. I could already taste the excitement, and wondered what he had in store for both of us. "Yo, sleeping beauty, the concert's over," Caitlin whispered in my ear.

"Oh my god! It is?!! I'm not even paying attention," I commented.

"Of course not, you're too busy memorizing Nick's every physical feature," Ashley teased.

"Well, he's taking me somewhere after the concert," I said joyfully.

"Seriously? Becky, don't you think that's a little serious? I mean, how long have you known him? 2 hours?" Caitlin asked, sounding a little overprotective.

"For your information, it's been 5 hours, and I don't care, I love him, and I'll go wherever he takes me," I said.

"Yeah, that's probably what you WILL do, and that's the most dangerous part!" Caitlin reminded.

"Yeah, well, whatever," I said, leading the way, to the door backstage.

"Knock, knock, knock," I said, pushing the door open.

"Hey, you, for a second I thought you wouldn't come," Nick said, placing his arms around my waist.

"Now, why would you think something like that?" I asked.

"Because you're beautiful, and all I can think about is you. And all I really care about anymore, is where you're going to be, and if I'll be able to see you later," he whispered. His words soothed me, and I felt whole once again, inside his embrace. "If that's your way of saying you love me, then I love you too," I whispered back.

"Nah, this is my way of saying I love you," he said, his lips coming closer to mine.

"Well, let's see," I whispered, as his lips touched mine. We kissed, and I felt his arms squeeze me tighter.

"How's that?" he asked, when we moved apart. I'd totally forgotten about our company, but I really didn't care if they saw this.

"Not as good as this," I whispered, pulling his head towards mine, our lips touching. He didn't know where to put his hands, so he just placed them around my waist again, and at the same time I put my hands on the back of his head, pulling his head closer to mine, making the kiss even more envigorating. I felt his hair go through my fingers, while his hands pulled me closer, as if that was possible. I started losing my breath, and I had to losen our grip. I slowly pulled away, and he looked at me. "Okay, you win. You're right, that was a LOT better," he joked. I burst out laughing. I could barely hold it in. He looked at me, and started laughing too. As we laughed together, my friends walked over. "Well, thanks for that great show, but would you mind introducing us?" Caitlin asked.

"Oh, sorry," I said, turning at him. The laughter had settled, and instead red faces came in its place.

"Ummm... hi, I know most of you," Nick said, standing up.

"Yeah, except Caitlin," I said, pointing her out.

"Nice to meet you," Nick said, the same reaction he gave Kristin.

"Anyway," I said, turning to Nick, "what are we doing tonight?"

"Oh, that? That's a surprise," he answered, sneakily.

"Well, should we start to go?" I asked.

"Yeah, umm.. let me change into something nice, and we'll go," he said, turning towards the dressing room once more.

"See you guys later," I talked to my friends, turning around to follow Nick.

"Call me," Ashley whispered.

"Sure," I said, turning to go into the dressing room.

Chapter 15
Chapter 13