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~*Chapter 17*~

"Can I have the keys?" I asked, turning to him.

"Sure," he said, tossing them to me,

"Don't you wanna blindfold me first?"

"Nah, I want you to take in the sights and sounds of New York, and what would the use of a blindfold do? You won't be able to see the bright lights, and that's what New York City is all about." "Oh... so it's still in the city?" he asked, trying to get out hints.

"I opened the door on the driver's side, and stepped in.

"Maybe, but I know my hometown better," I said, winking.

"Ahh.. got it. Go ahead then, and work your magic," he said, sitting beside me. I turned on the radio.

"I knew I loved you before I met you," started streaming out.

"Do you mind if I sing?" I asked Nick, becoming very self-conscious.

"Nope, in fact, I'd love to hear your angelic voice," he commented.

"Umm, okay," I said, and started to sing, making sure I kept my eyes on the road.

"I knew I loved you before I met you, I have been waiting all my life. There's just no rhyme or reason, only a sense of completion, like in your eyes, I see the missing pieces, I'm searching for, I think I found my way home.." "If only this song was my theme song," Nick mumbled,

"It describes my feelings right now." I glanced in his direction.

"You too?" I asked. He smiled,

"Yeah, I'm in love, and I wish it could last forever."

"Same here." I drove on, not having the heart to keep the conversation up.

"That was Savage Garden's newest single, "I Knew I Loved You", hey to all you lucky fans out there, how was the BSB concert?? Call in, tell me what it was like." Then they started playing "Larger Than Life".

"I've got an idea!" I exclaimed.

"Calm down, what's up?" Nick asked, suddenly very interested.

"You sing your part, I'll sing Brian's."

"Umm... okay, if it makes you happy, and if you keep smiling."

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yup, and... NOW!" Nick yelled.

"I may run and hide when you're screamin my name, all right." I started singing.

"But let me tell you know, there are prices >to fame all right," Nick went on.

"I've got a change in here, let me sing," he warned.

"Okay," I answered.

"Cuz, when you're in love, you can't always leave them behind," he went on, making it up as he went along, keeping the beat too. My heart totally melted, he was singing what he felt at the moment, the exact way I felt too.

"All you people can't you see, can't you see, how your love's affecting our reality, everytime we're down, you can make it right, and that makes you larger than life," I chimmed in, going back to the real lyrics.

"Ya know what? You've got a really good voice, have you ever thought of becoming a singer?" he complimented.

"Yeah, but I never thought it would work out, because it's so much work," I replied.

"Well, maybe I could help you, but not now, later," he offered.

"Umm... okay, that sounds great," I said. We kept singing, and then the song ended.

"Good job," I commented.

"Thanks, you too," he replied.

" I want to hear from all you fans out there, how was the concert?" the DJ asked.

"Oh my god! It was so awesome! Nick and Brian looked so hot! There was this girl, in the front row, who Nick kept looking at, but I think it was just a coincidence, because if they were going out, I think I'd kill her, but besides that, it was the best concert of my life!!" this over-excited fan screamed.

"Just ignore her," he recommended, "she won't really come after you. Besides, I don't think she knows the truth," he said, turning the radio off. I felt hurt, I didn't realize how hyper fans could get, and how offensive they could get about their girlfriends. "Is that how they always are?" I asked, cautiously.

"Yup, but I don't think they'd ever harm a fly. They always mean well. Besides, that's how I met you, as an excited fan," he said, winking.

"I was not excited!" I said, defensively.

"Oh, yeah, that's why when you first saw me, you dropped all your tickets and backstage stuff, right? Just nerves?" I teased.

"Oh, you're so annoying!" I said, knowing he already knew me too well.

"Oh yeah?" he asked, laughing.

"Okay, okay, you're right!" I laughed along with him. It felt so good to laugh again.

Chapter 18
Chapter 16