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~*ChApTeR 2*~

"I totally freaked, the guy probably thinks I'm crazy, but I have 3 tickets, do you wanna go?" I asked my friends, Ashley and Cheyenne, on my three-way calling.

"Are you sure, Becky?" Cheyenne asked.

"Yup! Oh you guys, this is such a dream come true! I mean, I've ALWAYS wanted to meet the Backstreet Boys, especially Nick Carter, and now, not only do I have seats, but I've got backstage passes! It's amazing!" I cried.

"Becky, you know you're only 17, Nick Carter is 19. What do you think could possibly happen?" Ashley asked, ruining all my hopes and dreams.

"Ashley, I may be only 17, but I'm turning 18 in February, and does it really matter how old I am? Love knows no age!" I said, defending myself.

"Becky, when you're 18, Nick will be 20, but that's not the point. To him, you're just another lucky fan to go meet him, and who knows what his personality is like? He could be some obnoxious bum," Ashley stated.

"I can't imagine Nick acting obnoxious, you know that. He's just Nick, and you're blowing this for me!" I said, starting to get a little aggitated.

"I'm sorry Beck, but I'm just being cautious. You know that I'm VERY happy you won, and you got backstage passes, and knowing that you're meeting your idles, I couldn't be happier for you, you know that! But, I guess I just don't want you getting hurt," Ashley explained.

"Yeah I know, but Nick wouldn't do that, even if he tried!" I exclaimed.

"Okay Becky, I've gotta go, Conor is calling me, and I've gotta get ready for the concert tomorrow. What should I wear?" Cheyenne said.

"I don't know, I think I'll just dress casual." I commented.

"Are you kidding? This is a BSB concert! Wear something a little nicer than your usual khaki pants and a sweater," Ashley recommended.

"Of course, I plan on wearing black pants, and a nice shirt under a vest," I said, joking.

"Yeah well, we'll see what you wear," Cheyenne said.

"Yeah, surprise us!" Ashley said.

"I will! That's what I intend on doing! I've gotta go, talk to you guys later, bye," I said, ending the conversation.

"See ya Beck," they said in unison. I took the phone off of my ear, under my long brown hair, and hung the phone up in it's cradle. The fact was, I was terrified about tomorrow night at the concert. How would I wear my hair? What would I wear? Most of all what was I going to say? What happened if I screwed up talking to Nick? There were so many things that were running through my head, and so many unanswered questions. I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow, that's just about all I could do.

Travel on to chapter 3
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