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~*chapter 20*~

"We're here," I announced, as Nick slowly glided his car into my driveway. We'd tried to make the drive as long as possible, but the drop off couldn't be pushed off any longer. "So will I be seeing you tomorrow?" he asked, curious, turning off the car.

"I don't know, I'll call you tomorrow, can I have your hotel number?" I replied.

"Oh, sure," he said, grabbing a napkin and scribbling down digits, "Here."

"Thanks, here's mine," I said, ripping off the part with no writing on it, and writing mine down in return.

"Thanks," he said, trying to memorize every number. I put the napkin in my bag, making a mental note not to forget it.

"Are you sure it's okay if I go with you guys?" I asked.

"Yeah, I used to bring...." his voice trailed off.

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh, no one," he said.

"Well, it had to be someone, otherwise you wouldn't be telling me," I urged. I started to get a knot in my stomach.

"You aren't seeing someone else are you?" I asked.

"No NO!! Of course not! Why would I want to jeopardize the love we share? In fact, the person I was thinking of is my ex-girlfriend, Mandy!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, okay," I said, understanding.

"You don't want details, do you?" he asked.

"Nope, cuz I don't really care," I said, grinning.

"Good, because I always get uncomfortable giving details to break-ups."

"Okay," I said, opening the door and stepping out.

"Wow! It's really cold!" Nick yelped, following me to my front door.

"You just figured that out?" I teased, holding my jacket shut. I reached for the key out of my jacket pocket. I grabbed it, and held it in my hand. “Do you wanna come in?” I offered.

“No thanks, I have to get back to the hotel, we leave at ten, don’t forget, call me,” he whispered. He leaned closer, and gently kissed me goodnight.

“I won’t, talk to ya later,” I said, opening the front door. He waved goodbye, as the door closed behind me. I looked at the clock in the kitchen, it read 12:30. I decided it was too late to call either Ashley or Cheyenne, so I went to my room to get ready for bed. “Should I go with him?” I thought to myself. The answer was obvious, I couldn’t leave the love of my life so fast, especially after tonight. “I guess I’m going,” I mumbled. I’d tell my parents tomorrow, they’d have to understand. I slowly put on my pajamas, and wondered what tomorrow held for me. I knew I would see Nick again, but was that really what I wanted? Yes, I answered, that was. I knew I loved him, and that was all that really mattered. I couldn’t wait to tell him, surprise him, and see the shock on his face. That would have to wait until tomorrow, I thought, drifting into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 21
CHapter 19