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~*Chapter 21*~

I woke up the next morning at 8:30. I tried to fall back asleep, but jumped up with a start. "Oh my god! Nick!" I wailed quietly, not wanting to wake everyone up. I grabbed the phone and quickly dialed the number he gave me.

"Hello?" someone answered the phone groggily.

"Hi, is Nick there?" I asked.

"You got him," he replied.

"Hey, Nick, it's me," I said, hoping he knew who "me" was.

"Beck? Is that you?" Nick asked.


"Are you coming with us today? We've got room on the bus, and if you tell me now, then I can get a room for you in the hotel, a room that's next to ours."

"Nick, probably I will, but I still have to ask my mother, and pack my stuff," I answered.

"Oh, well, you've got plenty of time to pack and tell your parents," he replied, "So if you're close to positive, then I'll get a room for you."

"Yup, go ahead and book it," I said, happily.

"Okay, great. And Beck?" he asked.

"Yup, what's up?" I asked.

"I'm so glad you're coming, I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too," I replied.

"See you later, at the Marriot," he said,

"Do you know where that is?"

"Yup, see ya," I said, hanging up. I looked in the mirror. I looked a wreck, but decided that could wait, I had to start packing. I ran around my room, and grabbed my 3 pairs of courderoys, 2 pairs of jeans, and my other pants. Then, I walked to my closet, and grabbed 3 dresses, and 2 skirts. Next, back to my dresser, I rummaged through and found matching shirts for all my outfits. Finally, I grabbed my fancy black shoes, and threw them in the suitcase too. Then, I decided it was time to pick out what I would wear today. I decided on wearing my extra pair of jeans that flaired at the end, like bell-bottoms but not quite as flaired, and put a black and gray striped shirt on. I grabbed my University of Virginia sweatshirt, the college I wanted to go to, and I put it on. Since it was going to be a busy day, I decided on sneakers, and looked at myself. I looked okay, except my hair was still a mess. I looked frantically for the brush, when I found it under the suitcase on the floor, still stuffed with clothes. I ran it through my hair, which wasn't very knotty from the day before, and put it in a casual pony tail. It was time to tell my parents about my sudden trip with the guys, and prayed that they would say yes, especially after all my planning and packing. I slowly walked down the stairs, and into the kitchen.