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~*Chapter 22*~

"Good morning honey," my mom greeted, sipping her coffee.

"Hey mom," I said, opening the cereal cabinet door.

"In a rush to go somewhere?" my mom asked.

"Well, yeah, where's dad?" I asked.

"Silly, he's at work, remember? It's still a Friday! So where are you headed?" she asked again.

"Oh, ya know, the usual, going away for two weeks with the Backstreet Boys, how bout you?" I asked casually.

"What??!!" my mom exclaimed, nearly spitting out her coffee,

"You've gotta be kidding!"

"No, last night after the concert, Nick invited me to go with them for two weeks while I'm on vacation, can I go?" I asked.

"No, of course not. I don't even know this guy!" my mom said.

"Mom! Please! He already got me a room, and his mom will be there, and you can totally trust these guys, please?!" I begged. I had to go, this was the chance of a lifetime, and she couldn't blow this for me.

"Oh Beck, you're gonna go no matter what I say, right? Do you have all your stuff packed? What time do they leave?" she asked, getting details.

"Is this a yes!!" I yelled. I started jumping up and down. I was so excited.

"Well, I guess, I'll drop you off, you can't leave your car there, so what time do we need to go?" she asked again.

"Oh! Um.. they leave at 10, so I think we should be there by 9:45, leaving us 40 minutes, is that okay?" I asked.

"Yup, fine, we'll try for a little earlier though, don't wanna get stuck in traffic, is your stuff packed?"

"Yes, mom, thanks so much!!" I exclaimed, hugging her.

"Your welcome sweetie," she whispered into my hair.

"Let me just have breakfast, and we can go," I said, pouring a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios. I poured the milk in, and quickly shoved the cereal in my mouth.

"A little anxious aren't we?" my mom observed.

"Sorry, I can't wait to see Nick," I said, my mouth full.

"Yeah, but will he be as happy to see you?" my mom asked. I stopped for a second, and quickly resumed eating.

"Of course," I said, not thinking. He would be happy right? Why wouldn't he be? I asked myself. I placed the bowl in the sink, and went upstairs again, to wash my face and brush my teeth. I looked in the mirror, should I put makeup on? Nah, I thought, it's an average day. Instead, I put my makeup in a makeup bag, and put that in the suitcase. I closed the suitcase, and stood up. Was I missing anything? Of course! How could I forget, my Mutsy, my favorite stuffed animal. I looked like a two year old, but I couldn't sleep without having it near by. I opened up the suitcase one last time, placed Mutsy and my pillow inside, and ran out the door, in time to hear my mom honking the car. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I mumbled, rushing to put my jacket on. I kissed my dog goodbye,

"You be a good girl," I said, opening the door, and running into the car.