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~*ChApTeR 3*~

I woke up the next morning at the sound of my dog barking. I got up, went downstairs to let her out, and feed her. "Oh my god! The concert!" I yelled, remembering the plans from the day before. I let my dog back in, ran upstairs and turned the shower on. The concert started at 7 pm., so I had 9 hours to wait until the concert. I took a long hot shower, and thought about how I should wear my hair. "Should I wear it up? Or should I curl it and wear it down?" I thought to myself. I finally decided on wearing it down and curled, and stepped out of the shower. I plugged in the curlers, so they got hot, and threw on a pair of old jeans and a UCLA sweatshirt my parents had picked up for me when they went to their college reunion. I towel-dried my hair, and started brushing it out. Then, I started twirling the curlers into my hair, and making sure they stayed. After 20 minutes of fighting with my hair, and clipping the curlers into place, I had a headful of curlers. I walked over to my closet, and finally chose on a light purple floral dress, which ended right above the knee, and a white see-through shirt on top. I carefully placed it on my bed, and picked out one of my fishline necklaces with a small heart in the middle. I grabbed my black clunky heels, and put them next to the completed outfit. Now, all there was left to do was wait. I decided to call Cheyenne. "Hello?" Cheyenne asked, when she picked up the phone.

"Hey, it's me. What are you going to wear to the concert?" I asked.

"Oh, um.. I wasn't really sure, but I'll probably wear that new dress I got. You know, the black one, with embroidered white flowers on it? How 'bout you?" she asked, explaining her whole ensemble.

"Well.. I'm gonna curl my hair, and wear the purple dress with a white shirt on top. I'm so nervous! What time am I gonna pick you up at Ashley's again? I know that I have to be there at least an hour early, so I can go backstage and get my tickets and stuff." I said.

"Oh, I thought we had agreed on you picking us up at 5, because it takes almost an hour to get there, and then the hard part is finding a parking spot! So come around 4:45, 5. Okay?" Cheyenne said, recapping our conversation from the day before.

"Oh yeah, what am I gonna do? I'm so nervous, I'll probably spill my whole drink on him! And what happens if they don't like the outfit I pick out for them? They might even throw it back and take a new one when I'm not looking!" I said, thinking up all kinds of disasters that could happen.

"Becky, calm down! The worst thing that could happen is that the concert doesn't go, but you know that won't happen. And Becky, one word of advice, ACT NORMAL! If you act all jumpy with them, they'll think you're nuts! Just talk to them like you do to me everyday, and you'll be fine! Don't worry about it!" Cheyenne warned.

"Oh thanks Cheyenne! I've gotta go, but I"ll see you at 4:45," I said.

"Sure, see ya then," Cheyenne responded. I hung up. She had NO clue what I was going through. When we went to the 98° concert, she did the same thing. But, the only difference was that she didn't have backstage passes, to meet the guys. Well, I did, and I knew whatever I did, I had to act totally normal, like Cheyenne said. I guess time could only tell what lay ahead for me, and with 4 and 1/2 hours to go, the butterflies in my stomach were already going full-force.

~chapter 2~
~chapter 4~