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~*ChApTeR 5*~

As I drove up to Ashley's house, I saw them sitting impatiently on her front porch. "Hey you guys, don't you find it a little cold outside?" I asked.

"Becky, you happen to be late," they said.

"I'm not late, look at my clock," I stated, pointing to the clock in my car, which read 4:45, "In fact, I'm right on time!"

"Well, on my watch, you happen to be...right on time! Becky, this is amazing!" Cheyenne said, gleefully.

"What do you want as your prize? Five dollars? Or our friendship?" Ashley said, joking.

"All I want right now is to get to that concert and meet Nick!" I said, "Now hop into the car!" They followed the orders, and I started on the journey into New York City.

"You look really nice, Ash!" I commented. She was wearing her hair in a half-ponytail, with natural looking make-up. She wore a white shirt, with a blue floral skirt. On her feet, she wore open black shoes. "Thanks Beck, so do you." Ashley said in return.

"You look nice too, Cheyenne!" I said, looking at her through the rear-view mirror. Cheyenne wore her hair up, as usual, with a nice clip holding it up. She wore her watch, which was similar to the one I was wearing, on her wrist, and she wore a black dress, with silver stars on the bottom. On her feet, she wore matching silver shoes, which were at least 3 inches off the ground. "Thanks, I honestly thought you were going to dress casual!" she said, in between giggles.

"Nah, I want to impress Nick, so I decided to look a little nicer!" I replied, smiling to Cheyenne in the backseat. We drove the rest of the way basically in silence, while listening to the radio, along with the constant singing along. By the time we got to Lincoln Center, it was 5:30. I followed the DJ's directions, and walked to the window, which allowed people to pick up their tickets. "May I help you?" the man asked.

"I'm picking up the tickets and backstage passes for Becky Tatrall, I'm one of the winners from Z100," I answered.

"Hmmm, let me look, ah, here it is," the man said, handing me my envelope, "Just walk up to the front and hand it to that man, he'll let you backstage."

"Thank you," and replied, as I went in search of the man that could help me.

"Come on you guys!" I whispered, excitedly. They followed my lead, and I lead them to the guy who would help us. The name on his name tag said Sean. "Excuse me, can you help me?" I asked, politely.

"Sure, what do you need?" Sean asked.

"Um.. I need to get backstage, I'm one of the people to help pick out the outfits, here's our passes," I said, showing him our tickets.

"Sure, follow me," he said, walking around the building. I told Ashley and Cheyenne to follow, and we walked around the building, until we got to a door, marked, PERSONEL ONLY.

"Right through here," Sean said, "If you get lost, someone should be around to help you. Just take a left, once you get in, and you SHOULD find one of the guys, walking around. Have fun!" We walked in, hoping to find a Backstreet Boy. We made a left, and there he was: Nick Carter, talking to AJ and Brian. I dropped the envelope I was holding I was so nervous, and he walked over to help me pick it up. "You must be one of the winners," he said, standing up and handing me the envelope.

"Um...yeah, I am," I answered, nervously.

"Oh, well follow me," he said, "The room with the clothes is over here."

"Um, Beck, we'll be over here, can we have our pass?" Cheyenne whispered.

"OH! Sure, sorry," I said, reaching into my envelope and handing them 2 passes.

"Thanks," Ashley said, winking. I ran to catch up with Nick. He made a right, and into this big room. "Well, here we are," he remarked.

"Um...don't I need you guys in here to pick it out?" I asked.

"Oh yeah! That might be helpful," he said, laughing. "Do you wanna come with me, to find the rest of the guys?"

"Sure, if you want," I said, not wanting to sound to anxious.

"Then, come on, we're on a long trek, we all go different places." And we were off again. I couldn't believe I was following the one I'd been waiting for all my life.

Travel on to chapter 6
Travel back to chapter 4