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~*ChApTeR 7*~

"HEY YOU GUYS!" Brian exclaimed, gathering up the rest of the group, containing of Nick, AJ, Kevin, Howie, and himself.

"There's this girl in there, her name's Becky Tatrall, and someone here has a little crush," Brian teased. Nick blushed. "Anyway," Brian continued, "Let's do a good job, okay? Don't embarass this person!" They all agreed, and walked into the dressing room.

"WE'RE HERE!" Nick yelled, walking in the room. He moved aside to show his find, his other bandmates, AJ, Howie, Kevin, and Brian.

"Hey you guys," I said, motioning them over, "how do you like this?" I held out the outfit.

"Hmmm, I think it's fine, what do you guys think?" Nick asked. "I think it looks okay," Kevin answered.

"Are you sure? I can always pick something else out if you don't like it," I replied, making sure they all liked it.

"Nah, I think this is nice," AJ answered.

"Okay, if you're sure!" I said, "I'll leave you guys alone, to change. I'll be outside, so I can see what you look like. I have to get to my seat in about 30 minutes, so make it quick!" I said, smiling.

"C'mon Ash, Cheyenne, let's leave 'em alone." We walked out and sat inside.

"A little crush, Bri? Nick's almost got the love bug as bad as he did for Mandy!" Howie exclaimed when the girls walked out.

"No!" Nick said, defending himself.

"Are you kidding? You're just a little jumpy with everything she says!" Kevin commented.

"C'mon leave him alone you guys. He'll make a fool of himself no matter what he does, she'll be turned off by him forever," Brian teased.

"You guys stop!" Nick whined, "I'm gonna walk out there and do FINE!" He walked out, and closed the door behind him. Nick stepped out of the room, to find 3 girls sitting in front of him, waiting patiently. "Ash, wanna go get some coffee? The machine's over there," Cheyenne said, getting up.

"Sure, love to." They walked off together, leaving me and Nick alone. He looked really hot, wearing his tight green tank top, and matching army pants. I was in awe of how great he could look, in such a simple outfit. Not only did the outfit show off his biceps, but it showed his 2 tattoos, the one band around his right arm, and shark on his left. "Looking good," I commented, the only thing that came to mind to say.

"Not as good as you look," Nick replied. I blushed a deep shade of red.

"Oh, I'm sorry, was that too straight forward?" Nick asked, kindly.

"No, that was just really...sweet. No one's ever said that to me before," I replied, "I think you're the first." I said, looking into his blue eyes.

"Is that good or bad?" Nick asked, quietly.

"Take it however you want," I answered.

"How's this?" Nick asked, leaning over me. The butterflies, that had once been calm, started up again. He was going to kiss me!! As his lips made contact with mine, I was forced into a sweet surrender, including only me and him.

~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 5~