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~*ChApTeR 8*~

I wanted that moment to last forever, down to every last second leading up to the kiss. But I knew it couldn't. My wish had come true so fast, that I was still left in a daze. As we parted our lips, I could hear cheering coming from the dressing room, and I saw Ashley and Cheyenne snicker. I pinched myself to see if I was still ok, but there Nick was, still wearing the green tank top just as he was before. "Wow," I mumbled.

"You're telling me," Nick replied, "you're one of the few people I've ever kissed like that."

"Well, that's...interesting," I said, at a loss for words. I was still trying to come back to reality. "Um.. I think I should go to my seat now," I said.

"Wait! Don't you have to see the other guys," Nick asked, holding onto my hand.

"Oh yeah! Almost forgot!" I said, really dumb.

"C'mon, come in with me," Nick urged, pulling me along.

"Um...okay," I responded, having no other choice. As he opened the door, I asked,

"Shouldn't we knock first?"

"Nah, if they had time to listen to us, then they should be ready," Nick answered, smiling. It almost made me fall into a heep on the floor, but I kept my composure, and walked in. They were almost done, except AJ had his shirt off, and Brian was just throwing his on. "Hello," Nick said cheerfully, a smirk on his face.

"Why hello," Brian said, giving Nick a, I-told-you-that-you-liked-her look.

"You guys look really nice," I commented, "Nick, let's see you guys as a group, since you're gonna be up there together."

"Okay," Nick said, releasing his grip on my hand and walking towards his mates.

"Let's get a second opinion, I've got 15 minutes before I should go," I said, walking towards the door to get Ashley and Cheyenne. "Yo! Ashley and Cheyenne!" I yelled, in my load voice. That was what's great about my voice, it's quiet when you need it to be, but when you mean business, it's really load.

"SHHHH!! Beck! We're coming!" Cheyenne replied, not as load.

"What's up, oh, I forgot, you just kissed Nick, that's all, right?" Ashley joked.

"Yeah, and I need a second opinion, too."

"Don't you already have Nick's?" Cheyenne said, playing along. "You know what I mean." I dragged them in, and showed them the finished project.

"Now, Beck, why don't you go over towards Nick," Ashley recommended.

"Why?" I asked, as I walked over.

"You'll see," Ashley said, very sneakily. As I walked over Nick put his arm around my waist. "Say CHEESE!" Cheyenne said, as Ashley's camera's flash went off.

"Now you can remember this day forever," Ashley said.

"I already have," I reminded her. "So have I," Nick said, pulling me close, and kissing me again.

~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 7~