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~*ChApTeR 9*~

"Now, I don't want you to get lost, the show hasn't even started, so go out this way...," Nick started, concern in his voice, "..and into this hall.. and TA DAH! Here you are in this hallway. Go find your seat girls, and we hope you enjoyed your stay, at Backstage with Backstreet!" Nick said, guiding me into the main hall. I grabbed onto Cheyenne and Ashley's hand, and we walked toward the door that lead to all the seats. "What just happened in there, that we kinda missed, as we drank, COFFEE?" Ashley asked, grinning.

"Well...I thought you were spying? So you missed some stuff?" I asked, kidding.

"Well.. um, yeah!" Cheyenne chimed in.

"Well.. he came out to ask me how he looked.." I said, straining to remember all that happened in the past 15 minutes,"..and then I got up, and he said something about looking nice, and the next thing I knew, I was being kissed by him!"

"I can't wait to tell Caitlin!" Ashley exclaimed, excitedly.

"NO!! If you tell her, then Kristin will find out, and I want to tell them seperately, you know how Kristin had a crush on Nick too!" I reminded her.

"Okay, fine, but then what happened, inside the room?" Cheyenne asked, still on the topic of Nick.

"Okay, well...," I said, finding our seats,

"Hold on, first I want you guys to sit on either side of me," I said.

"Okay," Ashley and Cheyenne said in unision, sitting down in their seats.

"Anyway, back to the story. So I went inside, and I looked at all of them, called you in, and you took the picture, and he kissed me again," I said, retelling as much as I could.

"Are you sure that's all?!" Cheyenne replied in doubt.

"Well, you guys saw the rest," I reminded her.

"Oh there's Caitlin!!" Ashley exclaimed, changing the subject abruptly.

"CAITLIN!!! KRISTIN!!" I yelled. They looked down in embarrassment, as they made their way over to our seats.

"Remember, don't tell them about Nick," I whispered, as they made their way over and sat down.

"Are you guys really sitting here?" Kristin asked, curiously.

"Yeah, I didn't think you would be sitting next to us!" I said excitedly.

"Well, get used to it, because we are!" Caitlin replied. As they got comfortable in their seats, the announcer came on, and told everyone to sit down. Then, the Backstreet Boys walked onto the stage, first AJ, then Howie, Nick, Brian, and finally Kevin. I screamed until I almost felt like I was losing my voice. Then, they started singing.

~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 8~