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~*PrOlOgUe & ChApTeR 1*~


Angel and Cherry are best friends.They live together with their 7 dogs and 3 cats in Orlando, Florida. They both love to sing and dance. Their dream is start a band. Angel is 2 years younger than cherry is. They´ve known each other since they were little. Angel is 16 years old and cherry 18 years old. Cherry and Angel have the same interests, but one thing thay they both love is the famous band called Backstreet Boys.


Angel has really long ,light brown hair...she has almost gold hair, she likes to sing and dance and paint and draw. She is Crazy, she always likes to make people laugh and feel she always acting crazy...she's just being herself. Angel loves to laugh but she can be serious too, she's trying to help her friend the best way that she can if they have problems, she listens to them and gives them advise. She loves to talk, she can´t shut up. She is romantic and a dreamer.


Cherry has blond hair. Cherry is flirt. She likes to sing and dance, just like Angel. She´s Little more serious than Angel but this girl knows how to have fun. She likes go to clubs more than Angel. She loves shopping,like Angel. She just always trys to get guys attention. She is always looking for love of her life. So she has more dumped boy friends than friends. Cherry and Angel just wants to make their dreams come true and have fun. Cherry and Angel are both really stubborn, so they fight a lot. But it´s part of their friendship. Angel waits for guys and Cherry is looking for a guy every sec. So,Her fav word (when it comes to men) is action.


Paula is Angels and cherry's spanish friend. She is more like Angel if it comes to men, she´s shy. She talks a lot, she can´t shut up. She loves shopping too. Paula loves painting, she is very talented.She is a good friend to girls. She is sweet. She also loves bsb like cherry and angel. Paula has a boy friend named David. They are very happy together!

Chapter 1

In The morning Phone rings... "Cherry get it!" Angel yelled to Cherry.

"No i can´t," Cherry yelled Back to Angel.

"Arg...damn it...I'll get it then," Angel said. Angel ran as fast as she can to pick the phone up. "Hello," Angel said.

"Hi,Angel it´s me, Paula, how are you?"

Oh hi Paula, I´m fine, and you?" Angel said to Paula.

"I´m very happy," Paula said.

"So, what´s up?" Angel asked.

"Well I´m coming there on Friday, so can I stay at your place?" Paula asked.

"Of course you can, so 5 days until you come, great!!!" Angel said with a happy voice.

"Okay, great, thanks, well can you come to pick me up? I'll call you when the plane lands, okay?"

"Okay we'll come to pick you up! So see ya then"

Okay,thanks see you," Paula said and hung up the phone.

Angel went to upstairs to see what cherry was doing. She was laying on her bed and reading the magazine. "So, this was so important that you couldn´t answer the phone?" Angel asked and start to laugh.

"Yeah, what you are laughing about,? there is great article,how you find your true love!" Cherry said. Angel looked at her and laughed even harder and said

"Oh man you´re crazy," Angel went to sit on Cherry's bed.

"Who it was? please don´t say that my mom is coming?!" Cherry said laughing.

"No,it was Paula, she is coming here on Friday! she'll stays with us, oh, do you mind?" Angel asked.

"No, I don´t mind, " Cherry said.

"Well I've gotta go to the grocery store, wanna come?"Angel asked.

"Nope, I have a date!" Cherry said with a smile on her face.

"Date? with who?"A ngel asked with a curious voice.

"With John," Cherry said.

"With JOHN?, I though you dumped him?"

"Yeah i did, but he begged me to give him a second change! So I gave him one!" Cherry said.

"Oh I see," Angel said smile on her face.

"WHAT?" Cherry yelled.

"What what???" Angel asked.

"you have that look on your face," Cherry said.

"What look?" Angel asked.

"Well that oh look" Cherry said.

"Oh look!" Angel asked and start to laugh.

"Yeah, so what was that look for?" Cherry asked.

"Okay okay,I just though that maybe you should slow down a little bit. Get to know guys and then if you really like them, then start to date them and don´t start to date every guy you meet," Angel said with a serious look on her face.

"Well I don´t wait here and and look at the door that,oh well my dream man will come trough that door,i look for men." Cherry said.

"Okay, but I don´t wait for my dream man to come to knock on the door,I just thought that maybe you should slow down," Angel said.

"Well okay Mommy!"Cherry said with an annoying smile on her face.

"Ha ha ha!,very funny!" Angel said. "But I gotta go now," Angel said. She went to get her purse and checked that she had enough money and went to door and then Cherry yelled

"Buy me ice cream, please.I know that this date with John isn´t gonna go well,and i need ice cream after our date." Angel looked her and said

”Oh man!” Angel walked down the street, she went to the grocery store. She Bought everything what they needed even cherry´s ice cream. Angel remembered that she had job interview. Angel had 10 minutes before it starts. ”Oh man, oh yeah they´re gonna hire me if I´m late, I better hurry!” Angel talked to herself.She walked as fast as she could. She didn´t noticed the person who came behind the corner infront of her. Angel dropped her purse, she picked up all her things so quickly,she didn´t even see the person who had run into her. She started to run home. ”Oh man I´m gonna be late” She said to herself. She heard someone yelling

”Hey miss, I´m sorry but...," Angel yelled back to the person

”No, that´s okay," When she was at home, she noticed that she'd lost her wallet. ”Oh my...DAMN...I´ve lost my wallet!” Angel yelled to Cherry.

”Where did you see it last time?” Cherry asked.

”Oh now I know...I ran into someone...and I dropped my purse...,” Angel said and Cherry continued.

”So you dropped it then?”

”Yeah...oh I can get it?” Angel said with sad voice.

”well i don´t know, let´s just hope that there is still good people out there,” Cherry said to Angel. ”Yeah, let´s hope,” Angel said and sighed. ”Well Angel, I've gotta go now, see ya later,” Cherry said and slammed the door. Angel was going to go upstairs when the door bell rang. She said to herself ”Oh did Cherry forgot her keys again?” And she looked at the phone table and said. ”Nope, took her keys, who it can be?? My prince charming! Angel said laughing to her dog. She opened the door...

Who it was????yeah the next chapter so you will find out!!!!!is it Angel´s prince charming or just pizza boy????? Heh heeeee....but she didn´t order hmmmmmmm!!!

~Chapter 2~