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~*ChApTeR 3*~

Cherry looked Angel with a mean face and you could see anger in her eyes. ”Cherry, what?!” Angel asked her what was with the sad face, because she didn´t want to fight with her. ”Well think Angel, think!” Cherry yelled. Angel looked at her. She didn´t realize what was going on until she was thinking where this whole thing begun. ”Oh because of A.J? !” Angel asked. Cherry was quiet, she didn´t answer.

”Because of A.J right??, it has to be because of that, but why?!” Angel looked at cherry with her blue green eyes. Cherry saw sadness from Angel´s eyes but she was still mad. ”Yeah it´s about A.J...You know that I love him and then you do something like that...Angel I though you were my best friend?!” Cherry said, a tear dropped from her eye.

”Cherry I am your best friend, what?! I haven´t done anything with A.J., we just were talking.” Angel said with a confused voice.

”Oh yeah right?! I should believe you? Well I don´t!...didn´t you see how A.J looked at you? There is something going on...Tell me?!" Cherry yelled. Her Voice sound angry again.

”NOTHING HAPPEND! YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME!”Angel said. She begin to feel so sad.

”Yeah right!” Cherry said to Angel. Angel started to feel mad now. She was hurt that her best friend said things like that, so Angel stared to yell ”Well A.J didn´t look at me like that, and sorry, but A.J doesn´t even know you so You can´t plaim me of anything. A.J can´t love you, he doesn't know you and you can´t force anyone to love you Cherry!” Angel yelled back to Cherry. Cherry start to cry and she ran out and slammed the door behind her. Angel ran after her and yelled "Cherry, stop! please...I´m really sorry! CHERRY!,” but Cherry just ran. Angel turn back to Home. She sat on the couch, She wanted to wait Cherry.

*************************************************************** 3 hours later Cherry came back. Angel had fell asleep, but she woke up when Cherry closed the door. ”Cherry?! I was so worried ’bout you!” Angel run to hug her but she brushed Angel away.

”Cherry please...I didn´t do anything!” Angel said crying. Cherry looked at her hate in her eyes. Cherry went to upstairs. Angel were crying whole night on the couch. She couldn´t forget the look what Cherry gave her. She was so upset that Cherry didn´t realize that nothing hasn´t had happend.

Read the next chapter so you will find out what happens next morning.....does cherry speak to angel???? Or what happens???Something worst?????

Chapter 4
Chapter 2