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~*Chapter 10*~

That night on the way home Nick put one hand on the steeringwheel and one hand over mine. My heart was full of love. The fact that I had Nick and the Carter's made me want to dance and leap for joy. 'How ya doin?" nick asked as we drove down the freeway. "I'm doing great!" I said looking towards him in a smile.

"Good. So what did you and B.J. talk about?" Nick asked curiously.

"Girl stuff!" I said liking my lips.

"By the sound of that maybe you where talking about us?" he asked.

"Nope not really. Just that when B.J. talks about someone she likes I want to tell her how much in love I am with her brother," I said telling the truth.

"Jess if you want to tell people about us I don't mind," he said.

"It's not that I don't want to tell people cause I do. it's just that there's so many things that come along with it.... and it's nice just having it be you and I," I said.

"I think your right about it. I'm not sure I'm ready to face A.J. or Lisa with this," he said getting ready to pull into my driveway.

"Speaking of Lisa," i said in shock as we saw my little honda Civic completely trashed with eggs, toilet paper, shaving cream, and other odds and ends I couldn't even describe.

"Oh my Gosh," Nick said getting out of the car to inspect. On the hood of the car in big letter's, whas 'BITCH'! I began to get shaky again. My heart raced and Nick ran over to my door to help me out. He immediately got out the house and washed it off. Now it was just adorned with egg shells and paper. "Why?' I asked Nick as we walked up to the door.

"Because you stole my boyfriend you little slut," Lisa said standing next to my front door.

"Lisa I'd advise ou to get the hell out of here,'Nick said standing in-front of me.

"Now Nicky baby let's not be harsh," she said walking over to him and putting her hands on his chest.

"You know this little girl could never give you what you really need," she whispered in his ear. He pushed her off of him. My heart was breaking.

"Lisa leave now and never come anywhere near Jess or I again," Nick said with his face begining to turn red with frustration.

"Why? So you two can be a cute little couple. Virgin and experienced," Lisa said pointing from me to Nick.

"Jess and I aren't a couple. I love her like a friend. The only reason I left you was because you never loved me," he said pushing past her, leading me to the front door. He took out his key and began to start opening the door.

"Oh so now you have a key. So the little girl has started opening for buisness huh? Maybe Jess and I can get together sometime and talk about how lousey you are in bed," Lisa said. I kept my mouth quiet. Nick and I pushed forward walking into the house. I could hear Lisa trying to open the doorbut Nick locked it before she got a chance to open it. First thing Nick did was called the police to come monitor outside to make sure Lisa didn't do anything to either of our car's. The police said they had to ask her to leave. She obliged yelling out curse words. I sat on the couch bitting my nails in nervousness. Before she left I heard her yell out..."You little bitch! I'll come back and get you I swear I will," she yelled and drove off. Nick came over to where I sat, and held my hands.

"Your shaking," Nick said.

"Wow I wonder why?" I asked sarcastically.

"Your clamy," he said bringing my hands to his face and kissing them. He then went to kiss me but i pulled away.

"What's wrong Jess?" Nick asked concerned.

"Nick! How can you ask me what''s wrong? Your ex-girlfriend just trashed my car, called me horrible things, and blantently say we where sleeping together," I yelled in his face shaky. I stood up and paced around the room.

"Jess I hate to see you like this," he said standing up and walking over to me.

"Well too bad Nick," i said in anger.

"Listen jessica first thing tomorrow we'll go to a lawyer and get a restraining order. I don't like her I never have," He said walking over to me. I jumped into his arms and began to cry.

"Shhhhh just cry it all out. Shhhh," he said. Nick picked me up so my arms where wrapped around his neck. He slowly carried to my room and layed me on my bed. He then slowly pulled the cover's over me and kissed my forehead. "I'll be on the couch if you need anything," Nick said and walked to the living room.

"Goodmorning gorgeous," Nick said walking into my room with a tray full of food.

"thank You handsome," I said kissing his cheeck.

"Are you still mad at me?" Nick said sitting next to me on the bed.

"Mad at you?" I asked.

"You seemed frusterated last night. I was real worried about you," he said.

"In a way I was. I was mad at you for ever going out with that little you know," I said lowering my head.

" I thought you where mad at me for that whole thing Lisa said about me being experienced and all that," Nick said turning red.

"Nick you know I won't do any of that before marriage. It's just something I feel is right," I said.

"I understand and I agree with you on that. I'm just sorry I made the decision's I did along those lines. But babe if that's how you feel about this I'll respect it," He said kissing me.

"Now dont' you go gettin fresh on me now," I said jokingly toward him. that morning we went to the lawyer who said he's take care of the restraining order. This made me feel so much better. That night was the football game. Nick knocked on my door adorned in a Miami Dolphins jersey. I was in jeans and t-shirt >not as dressy as Nick. "Are you nervous?" i asked Nick.

"Just about you and I seeing A.J." he said aware of my own feelings.

"I'm going to talk to him tonight. Patch things up," I said.

'Are you sure that's the best thing to do," Nick asked concerned.

"It's the only thing I can do to get this out of my head," I said.

"whatever you think is best," Nick said walking over to me and wiping the strand of hair from my face.

"But no matter what happends. No matter how much he pleads you to come back..... remember you've got a little shaggy blond who loves you more than anything in the world," he said kissing me and I knew it was true!

Chapter 11
Chapter 9