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~*Chapter 12*~

We piled into Nick car, since mine was still piled with eggshells and toilet paper, and left. "So, what do you think you'll say to AJ when you see him?" Nick asked, driving toward the stadium.

"I don't know, maybe confront him," I said, unsure.

"I doubt you could confront him, you'd pass out before you start talking," Nick teased.

"Well, what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I think, you should just let him get away with it. He's got a concience, he'll probably explain himself first," Nick said.

"Oh, okay," I said.

"Oh, I forgot to give this to you, I hope it's of your favorite player," Nick said, grabbing a box from the back. I opened it up to reveal an away jersey of the Miami Dolphins, with the number of Dan Marino on it. "Oh thanks!" I said.

"You're welcome," he said, placing one hand around my shoulder and pullling me toward him. I stared at the jersey for a second, running my fingers over the perfect stitching. "Well... aren't you going to put it on?" Nick asked.

"Oh, right! Of course!" I said, stripping off my t-shirt a quickly throwing the new jersey over my head.

"How do I look?" I asked him.

"Perfect," Nick said, kissing my cheek, as we parked the car in the lot.

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled. I saw AJ and a blond girl walk out of their car.

"Wait, who's that girl he's with?" I asked, as my stomach made knots.

"You really want to know?" Nick asked, protectively shoving his hand in mine.

"It's Mindy isn't it?" I asked, already knowing it was. Nick looked down.

"Hey Nick! What's up man?" AJ asked, coming up behind us. They slapped hands, and Mindy came up to my other side.

"Hi, AJ, hi Mindy," I said quietly.

"Hey, baby, how does SHE know it's me?" Mindy asked obnoxiously, speaking to AJ. I felt Nick's hand tighten around mine, which helped me keep my anger down.

"For your information, my name is Jess. AND I, used to be AJ's girlfriend, until you came into the picture," I said, snottily.

"Oh, you're the girl who wouldn't sleep with him!" she exclaimed, "You're missing out on a lot, cuz he's GREAT in bed," she added.

"Oh you're so dead," I said, feeling Nick hold me back, before I tore her eyes out.

"Good Nick, hold her back, she might need it. I've seen her when she gets mad, her anger can get WAY ahead of her," AJ called over his shoulder, as he walked away with Mindy, hand-in-hand. Nick let go of my arm, and jumped on AJ, making him fall to the ground. "Don't you EVER fuckin say that about her again," Nick said, punching him in the nose. Blood started to gush out, and I ran to pull Nick off him.

"Shh, it's okay. He's an asshole anyway, I can handle it," I said, soothing him. I rubbed his cheek, and I felt a boot kick hard into my back.

"What the hell was that?" I said, turning around to see Mindy nod with satisfaction.

"You little whore. What the hell do you think you'll get from him? Good sex? Well, fuck both of you. I tried to see what you saw in him, but sorry, not even I can see what I saw in him. If he only loves you because you'll sleep with him easily, get ready for a surprise. The second that he feels you aren't doing "it" the way you used to, he'll throw you onto the road, and ditch you for someone else," I stated.

"What makes you so sure? You're still a VIRGIN," she said, with conviction in her voice.

"Yeah, and frankly, I'm proud of it. I've kept what I believe is right for so long. Ya know what? I could take Nick out right now, but I want the guy to love me for ME, not because I'll sleep with him easily," I said, not even realizing I brought Nick into it.

"Nick? What does he have to do with it?" AJ cut it.

"Nothing, I have nothing to do with this," Nick said, dragging me to the stadium.

"You guys are going out?" I heard AJ yell behind us. I saw Nick's middle finger fly up in response, as we walked in with our backstage passes.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I apologized, kissing him as soon as we walked in.

"It's okay," he said quietly.

"No, it's really not. Now AJ's suspicious," I said, rubbing my hand against his cheek, which was covered with dirt.

"Did you really mean what you said about taking me out?" Nick asked suddenly. I blushed a deep red, and said,

"I guess, but you know what I believe. I'm waiting for after marriage, and that's final." I felt myself tighten up.

"I can't believe you said that," Nick said in disbelief.

"What?" I asked. "Well, you of all people, to actually say that you would have sex with me is unbelievable. And it was out of nowhere too!," he said.

"Um.. Nick, can we not talk about it?" I asked, getting really uncomfortable.

"Oh, sure, sorry. For now, I can live with just kissing, and being there for each other. But my hormones, they might say something else," he said, grinning. I playfully punched him, as we left the room in search of the rest of the guys.

Chapter 13
Chapter 11