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~*Chapter 13*~

The guys went down and sang the anthem amazingly! I was very proud. As soon as they where done Nick and I walked up to our seats which happend to be next to the other guys. A.J. and Mindy sat on one side followed by Kevin, Howie, Then Nick i and Brian. There was an empty seat next to Brian. I thought that maybe it was one of Brian's bud's coming to hang out. The game started and there was a bit of tension in the air. "Well hello everyone," I looked up to see the petite Lisa walking over to the chair next to Brian's.

"Gosh what is she doing here?" I asked Nick silently.

"I don't know but if she gives us anything where out of here," Nivk said.

"Hi Nicky baby," Lisa said walking over to him trying to give him a peck on the cheek but Nick twitched away.

"Lisa what the hell are you doing here," Nick asked.

"I invited her," Brian said.

"Well Brian for your information Lisa and I aren't seeing eachother anymore," Nick said blantently. Everyone turned and looked toward Lisa and Nick both.

"Well now let's not get all worked up people. This is just some phase my little Nick is going through," Lisa said walking to Nick lying her hands on his chest. I filled with anger wanting nothing more than to take her off the face of this earth. Nick immediately jumped up and began to yell. "Lisa this is not some fuckin phase! I hate you and don't want anything to do with you anymore! Where through whether you like it or not. God damn it Lisa I had to put a restraining order on you to stay away from Jess here," Nick said raising his voice and stomping off. I slowly got up and in a quiet voice faintly said,

"My ride." I said pointing to Nick. I quickly ran after him till we got to the car. Nick got in the car and I jumped in. He quickly took off and speede to the closest beach. By this time it was sunset time and neither Nick nor I said a thing on the way to the beach. He got out and practically threw himself on the sand. I ran and sat next to him. "Ya know sometimes I wish I could just take all the people I love and move to this gorgeous deserted island. To keep them away from all the hurt in the world," He said looking at me. "I want to save you from that hurt," Nick said wrapping a piece of hair around his finger. I quickly put my lips on his and kissed him passionetely.

"When I kiss you I don't feel any hurt," I said looking at him. He pulled me close to his chest rocking back and fourth. i could hear his heart beatand the warmth from his arms kept me comfortable from the soft sea breeze. Nick finally released me and looked me in the eyes. "About what you said, the thing about you could have taken me right then. That made me happy. But knowing that you really wouldn't makes you even more special than you already are," Nick said.

"I could let myself go so easily with you," I told him strait out.

"I wouldn't let you. Jess I'm not going to lie to you...if you didn't have such morals I would have encouraged it on the second date. But your not your wonderful," He said. I almost began to laugh and then cry. "Babe I'm sorry but I'm just one big raging hormone," he said.

"It's ok if you are just don't act like A.J. and act on those hormones," I said laughing. Nick stood up and pulled me to my feet. We got back to the car and Nick drove me home.

Chapter 14
Chapter 12