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~*Chapter 15*~

"Did you get all the stuff AJ likes?" I asked Nick, running around outside his pool frantically.

"Yes, calm down. It's only the guys, and if either him OR Lisa get a little scary, we've got everyone here to witness it and calm them down. Please don't worry," Nick reassured, kissing me softly. It was the day after our horrifying house call, and we were getting ready to break the news to everyone, not only the guys, but Lisa and Nick's family. "Thanks," I said.

"Are you sure you're okay, I can always massage your back," Nick commented.

"That might be a good idea, I might need it to stay calm," I laughed, sitting down in the closest chair. We were both wearing our bathing suits, Nick wearing forest green trunks, and I was wearing a bikini designed with white flowers on a blue background. He felt his big hands rub against my back, and all my troubles went away. He went slowly, but didn't push too hard. He slowly moved his hands down, but then went back up to my shoulders. "Mmmm.." I mumbled.

"I never knew I was a very good masuss," Nick laughed.

"Here, it's my turn on you," I said, switching positions.

"Okay," Nick agreed. I put my hands onto his muscular shoulders, and started to rub slowly. I moved over to his neck, and went in slow circles. "Thanks," he said, after five minutes. He slowly stood up, and wrapped his hands around my waist.

"For what? The massage? You gave me one, might as well return the favor," I said.

"For everything, for always being there, for just being you," he whispered. His lips brushed against mine, and my mind wandered to the other night on the beach. I was glad we were telling everyone, then I wouldn't have to keep it a secret. I wrapped my hands around his neck, and pulled his head in a little closer. "So, what was the big news you had to tell everyone?" I heard Kevin ask, walking to the back. We quickly drew apart, seeing all the boys standing in front of us.

"Did it have anything to do with that kiss?" Howie asked. We both blushed, as Brian eyed the cheese and crackers.

"FOOD!" he exclaimed, running to the table. AJ just stood there, scowling at everyone.

"C'mon AJ, lighten up, you can never go wrong with a couple of Triscuits to brighten your day," Brian said, his mouth full. A petite person appeared from the back door, with an all too squeaky greeting. "NICK! I knew you really loved me!" Lisa yelped, running over to Nick, her arms spread open. Nick moved, as she approached her, giving her the opportunity to realize I was standing next to him. He protectively put his arm around my shoulder and said, "Hi, to you too." He held out his hand in nothing more than a friendly greeting, as she pulled his hand over to her. "Nick you can't be serious! Her?" she asked, pointing at me.

"For your information, SHE used to be my girlfriend, and still is," AJ cut in.

"AJ, we broke up the moment I saw that letter from Mindy in your pants pocket," I said, grabbing a cracker.

"Oh, that's what you want us all to believe, but we all know the reason we're here today, you want to slowly put Nick down, so he can be with Lisa, and you with me," AJ said, taking off his shirt to show of his display of tattoos. "Let's go into the pool and talk things over," he said, grabbing my hand.

"Wait, AJ, that will have to wait. Nick and I kinda have an announcement to make," I said, backing up into Nick.

"Yeah, so get comfortable," Nick recommended. Everyone sat down in lounge chairs, and waited patiently for the reason they were all here. "We wanted you all here to tell you first, so that you didn't find out from some tabloids," Nick started. I nodded my head in agreement. Nick continued,

"Jess and I decided that considering all the things that have gone on lately, we should be together," he said, slowly eyeing both Lisa and AJ.

"Yeah, that means like boyfriend/girlfriend type thing. Dating, and stuff," I answered.

"Exactly. We didn't tell you at first, because we didn't know how you guys would take it. But, it seems like you're oka--" Nick was cut off by the piercing scream of his ex.

"You're kidding! This little bitch and you? How can you live with yourself?" she asked.

"Lisa, I love her.." Nick tried to explain.

"Nickolas, you don't deserve a virgin like her, you deserve someone experienced," she whispered.

"Anyone here who's not a virgin, that I might love want to sleep with me?" Nick asked aloud, joking.

"NICK! You know what I mean! Let her be with AJ! He can handle her," she burst out.

"Yeah, that's one thing I can do well," AJ said, standing up.

"AJ, sit down, I don't love you like I used to. And since when did I need your help?" I asked,

"You're never around as it is, I had to take care of myself for a long time."

"But I love you," AJ said, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. Nick watched this whole ordeal, not saying a word. My heart melt, AJ knew all the right looks that made me want to cry, especially this one. "Oh, AJ, don't look so forlorn, there are plenty of other girls who would gladly sleep with you, but not me. Besides, I don't think I ever loved you like I do Nick, he really does. You can tell. With you, it was always a daily struggle to see if you actually cared about what I was talking about. With Nick, there's no hidden trick," I said softly. AJ stood up in anger.

"Nick, why the hell are you doing this to me? I love her!" he exclaimed in his face.

"AJ, if you ever loved or cared about her, then you wouldn't have cheated on her," Nick growled.

"And you, what makes you think you can handle Nick's "manly" urges? You obviously can't give him the pleasure he deserves," Lisa said, confronting me.

"Oh Lisa, go give someone else your bullshit, I don't want to hear anything from you. If you ever loved him, you wouldn't have taken advantage of him," I said, losing my cool rapidly.

"Listen," Nick said,

"If you can't accept the fact that we're going out, then please leave my house. You probably aren't true friends, cuz if you were you'd be happy for us." Slowly, Nick and I watched as AJ and Lisa stormed out of the pool area and out to their cars.

"Well, that takes care of them," I mumbled.

"Don't be sorry, we did the right thing," Nick said, picking up my chin and slowly kissing me, totally forgetting about the other guests. As soon as we released, we heard applause. "GO FRACK!" Brian said, slapping Nick on the back. I looked back at the table as Howie came over.

"Don't be sad, they'll get over it," he said, reassuringly. "I hope so," I said.

"I know so. AJ gets over girls quickly. You must have had a really big affect on him to have him get like that," Howie observed.

"Yeah, well, if I hadn't found out, I might have made a huge mistake," I said to him,

"When I'm with Nick, it's really love. There's something there that I can't describe. And with Nick, you don't have to guess if he really loves you, you just know," I described. Howie nodded, as I walked away, to talk to BJ inside the house. Nick was being congratulated by his band members, not able to notice I left. As she left Howie whispered to Kevin, "It's love."

Chapter 16
Chapter 14