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~*Chapter 16*~

"Beej?" I yelled.

"Yo, Jess! What's up?" she asked, coming down in a one-piece bathing suit, decorated with flowers and butterflies.

"Nothing, I just came inside because the sun was bothering me," I lied, looking out the door.

"Oh, well I was just about to go outside, but I'll stay inside with you," she said, walking into the kitchen for a snack,

"Besides, I want some dirt. So, two questions. One, what's the BIG news you wanted to tell us? And next, why do we have the pleasure of having all the Backstreet Boys over my house?" she asked, biting into an apple.

"Well. I'll give you a hint, which might explain why the guys are all outside crowding Nick," I said giggling. It happened to be a funny sight, Nick in the middle with all the guys crowding them. All of them except AJ.

"Well..." BJ said, her voice trailing off.

"It has to do with me and Nick," I hinted.

"You guys are going out?!" she asked in disbelief.

"Maybe..." I said, blushing.

"Wow," she mumbled.

"Is that too hard to believe?" I asked.

"No, it's just that, you and NICK? My brother?" she asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah--," I started, before BJ cut me off.

"I mean, that's not bad, it's just that after AJ, I wasn't sure how sturdy you were, but obviously, you're better than I thought," she said, shrugging.

"Let's not even talk about AJ," I said.

"Where is he? I don't think he's outside," BJ said, craning to get a glimpse outside.

"Oh, he left after we told them," I said.

"He didn't take it well, I presume," BJ said, as the door open, allowing Nick inside.

"Hey, sis. Hey beautiful," Nick said, wrapping his hands around my waist and kissing me.

"Hey," I said, as we released.

"Why did you leave?" Nick asked.

"I didn't want to bother you guys," I said, "But BJ and I are going to go right now." I grabbed her hand and lead her out the door. As we went outside, all the guys got in a huddle, and then left.

"Come here Jess," Nick said, motioning me over.

"What?" I asked.

"You should definitely be carried like a princess," he said, placing my arms around his neck, while picking me up by the knees. I saw Kevin do the same to BJ. We gave each other confused looks, but went along with the process. "Sorry, have to do this," Nick whispered, as he walked me over to the pool.

"NO NICK!" I yelled, as he threw me in. As I plunged in, I heard BJ yelp, before she splashed into the water too. It was like a cold shiver run up my back, but it felt good in the Florida sun. As we both emerged, BJ yelled, "THANKS RICHARDSON! I NEEDED THAT!" We both walked over to the side of the pool.

"Nick, will you help me out?" I asked, helplessly. He walked over, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him in. I laughed hysterically, as I tried to get out quickly, but my plan didn't work. I felt Nick's hand grab my leg and pull me back in. I tried to swim away, but he followed me. "Nick stop!" I yelled, as I felt him grab me by the stomach.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing, I love you," I said, reminding him. I stood on tip-toes to reach him, and felt his lips touch mine. I brushed my fingers through him damp hair, and his hands grasped my back. All of a sudden we heard chants and screaming. We brook apart, and looked at each other, then looked at Brian, Kevin, Howie, and BJ. They were all running around the side of the house. Nick and I raced out of the pool, grabbed towels, and followed them. As we reached the front, we saw fans lined outside the gate, some holding signs, some just chanting. "Oh, it's nothing," Nick said, aggrivated that his time with Jess was ruined.

"No, Nick, listen," I whispered, grabbing his hand. We heard a faint chant, that made me lose my breath.

"1, 2, 3, 4, we don't want Jessica no more! 5, 6, 7, 8, go home, it's you we hate!" Nick tried to grab her hand, but she was already marching her way over to the overreacting fans.

"Jess! Don't!" he said, running to catch up.

"Nick, I want to be different from Lisa. I don't want to keep you just to me. C'mon, either you're with me or you're not," I explained, starting up again.

"Oh fine," he mumbled.

"Hey, who are you?" a blond haired girl asked, as I approached the gate.

"OH MY GOD! IT'S NICK!" a girl behind her screamed, as Nick came into view.

"Yeah, um.. my name is Jessica, and this is one of my best friends, Nick," I said, leaning on his shoulder.

"You mean boyfriend," the girl corrected.

"Now where did you hear that?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"Try watching some tv, bitch. Or, are you too busy making out with Nick. Try leaving some of him for the fans," she accused.

"Nick can you sign this?" the girl behind her asked again.

"Sure," I said, walking up to get it from between the rungs of the gate.

"No, don't give it to her, wait for Nick," she blond said, pushing back her hand.

"Oh Haley, give it a rest, you can even watch her give it to Nick," she said again, holding out her hand. I quickly reached for the picture, before "Haley" could take it away again.

"Here Nick," I said, walking back to him, with the pen the fan gave him.

"I told you the get overprotective," he mumbled.

"Trust me, I can handle it," I said, as I got the autograph, and handed it back to the girl.

"It's real, trust me," I said, giggling.

"We got to go," Nick said, grabbing my hand, and dragging my back to the house.

"It was nice meeting you guys!" I exclaimed cheerfully.

"I wish I could say the same, but it's not true," Haley retorted, snottily. We headed back to the house, as everyone else followed us. "Lisa," Nick mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"Only that bitch would bother ruining our reps," he said.

"Let's just get inside, watch some TV. I want to say what they said," I said, opening the door and sitting on the couch. By now, I wasn't wet, but just anxious to see the news. We all sat down, and Nick put his hand around my shoulder. Mrs. Carter walked in and said, "Nick, what was that news you had to tell us?"

"Well, if the news updates quick, then you might find out then, along with the public," Nick growled. "Sh!" I quieted everyone down, as the news reporter said something about BSB. We all sat, waiting for the report.

Chapter 17
Chapter 15